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The Execution
In which almost freezing to death wasn't part of the plan


The chilling night settled over the makeshift camp as the fire crackled, its flickering glow casting an eerie dance of shadows on the faces of those gathered. Bound to separate trees, (Y/n) and Technoblade exchanged silent glances, a language of resilience and defiance passing between them.

Quackity, the orchestrator of their captivity, circled the camp with a triumphant grin, relishing in the presumed victory over the once formidable Technoblade.

"Enjoying the view, Techno?" he taunted, his words laden with a condescending tone. "The once great Technoblade, brought low."

Techno's response was a piercing glare, a silent declaration that he wouldn't be broken by mere physical constraints. Meanwhile, (Y/n) met Quackity's gaze with unwavering determination, her spirit unyielding despite the binds that held her.

"When I get out of these chains I'm ripping your throat out," (Y/n) glowered. It was a tone that she had never used before, it was so menacing that it even made Technoblade shake.

Quackity chuckled, dismissing her words with a wave of his hand.

"We'll see about that," he retorted, tending to the fire that symbolized his perceived triumph.

As Quackity busied himself, Tubbo and Fundy, who had once been allies with the two, exchanged uneasy glances. Doubt lingered in the air as Tubbo questioned the righteousness of their actions.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Tubbo whispered to Fundy, the weight of their decisions evident in his voice.

Fundy, resolute but conflicted, responded with a hushed determination. "We committed to this, Tubbo. There's no turning back now."

The night pressed on, the fire casting its wavering glow on the faces of those who were once comrades. Bound by chains of betrayal, (Y/n) and Technoblade braced themselves for the uncertain dawn, their unwavering spirits refusing to be extinguished by the shadows that surrounded them.

Glancing into (Y/n)'s eyes, Technoblade could sense the uncertainty that lingered beneath her question. The weight of their predicament bore down on them, the chains around their wrists symbolizing not just physical confinement but the looming threat to their very existence.

In response, Techno's gaze held a steady assurance. "We've faced worse odds, haven't we?" he remarked, a touch of determination threading through his words. "We'll find a way out of this. Always do."

Despite the dire circumstances, (Y/n) managed a small smile, drawing strength from Techno's unwavering resolve. In the silence of the night, surrounded by the unknown, they clung to the belief that their shared resilience could carve a path through the darkness that encircled them.

As the night stretched on, (Y/n)'s shivering became more pronounced, the cold seeping into her bones. Technoblade, bound to the tree beside her, felt a surge of helplessness as he observed her struggle against the freezing temperatures. Panic flickered in his eyes as he realized the looming threat of her succumbing to the biting cold.

"Stay with me," he urged, his voice tinged with urgency. "You can't fall asleep; you'll freeze. Keep talking to me. Anything. Just stay awake."

Desperation lined Techno's words as he implored (Y/n) to fight the encroaching chill. The chains that bound them restricted any attempts at providing warmth, leaving Technoblade grappling with the cruel reality that he couldn't shield her from the freezing night. In the dim light, he searched for any sign that she was holding on, determined to weather the cold together.

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now