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Interrupting Mac at work isn't something I meant to do. So seeing him at his desk in his office with paperwork spread out was startling. 

I don't know why I am. I know Mac owns DOMINIC. I know there's probably a lot of paperwork involved. Besides, it's not like he didn't warn me over text after I asked for a conversation. 

Maybe I'm nervous. It's different from having conversations about a topic with friends when you're in the exploring phase of your adolescence compared to having a conversation with a friend/peer to learn more about a topic you wish to become a part of. 

Shutting my eyes for a second as I took a deep breath, I composed myself before knocking on the door frame. Mac looked up waving me in. 

Slowly I slinked into his office closing the door behind me. 

God, I can't remember the last time I was this unsure of myself. 

"If you want to say what's on your mind or ask questions, go for it. I'll help and inform any I can." Mac stated as we moved to the couch he had off to the side. 

It's like it's necessary for all offices to have a couch in it. I know mine has one, Rossi's too. 

Focus Aaron. 

"I only know a little bit about BDSM and I was wondering if you could teach me a little bit more. All I know is from conversations with friends when I was a teenager." 

"Of course, " He smiled. 

Happy to teach others about his lifestyle. To teach a friend. 

Continuing, he spoke, "Now I can give you the basics and the rundown of the lifestyle to start." 

"Sounds good," I responded. 

I mean, it is a pretty solid plan honestly. 

Mac began teaching. 

"BDSM is an umbrella term standing for bondage/discipline, Dominance/Submission, sadism/masochism, and it describes sexual practices that involve the use of physical control, psychological power, or pain. What makes BDSM different from certain mental disorders, like sadists or masochists within the criminal world, is the fact that culture and lifestyle require consent. We're big on it. If consent is not verbally given, there is a good chance the action will not be done."

Consent is a good defining factor in this world. 

It's nice to know that little things that you can take for granted are the things that take on action from abuse to BDSM. Of course, with the participating party's agreement to such actions. 

"Now, most people within the BDSM lifestyle participate for lack of a better term-'power' play. For example, Dominants and Submissives, Master and Slave, Owner and Pet. All relationships can coincide with a role-playing aspect. These relationships can contain more than one partner of course as can other relationships outside the BDSM world. Either way, these consenting dynamics within the lifestyle almost always involve a Dominant personality and a submissive one. Now you might on a rare occasion have a switch in the pairing, but that is to be worked out between the parties involved. The care of BDSM is truly a psychological part. Naturally involved in the dynamics I just mentioned. Headsoaces really. It has to involve an exchange of power with a lot of trust and respect. "

Think logically about the actions taken within the lifestyle and your own personal relationship. Make sure you trust each other. That you know what you are getting into. 

Rules that make so much sense, honestly. 

"Personally," Mac continued, "I like to include communication into my lifestyle. I think the better the communication within the relationship, the stronger the bond."

"Communication is normally key," I agreed. 

He just smiled at me. 

"You look like you have a couple of questions, Aaron."

I chuckled to myself. This lifestyle seems to involve at the very least a basic idea of how to profile a person. I know Mac showed off to us when we first came to DOMINIC. Though, at the time I thought it was just part of his personality. Which you know,  it is. It just also happens to be part of the lifestyle. 

"I do."

Swallowing the random lump in my throat and asking the first question I have. 

"How would you know if you're a Dominant personality or a Submissive one? I'm sure there are cases of a person being one way outside of the lifestyle  in their everyday life and totally different when/while participating within the lifestyle."

"There are some cases like that, sure. But normally the decision is through some trial and error or a gut feeling. You, Aaron, are a natural Dominant. Just like I am and similar to Spencer being a natural Submissive. It's in the way you carry yourself. Lead your team. Your aura that you exude helps too."

I figured I probably was, but asking never hurts. 

"The next question?"

"For becoming a member of DOMINIC, should I be more into the BDSM world first? Does your experience even matter in the lifestyle?"

He smiled at me, going over to his desk and grabbing some papers from his drawer. 

"The great thing about DOMINIC is that it is a place to learn and gain experience. It's a place to mingle with others in the lifestyle and who knows, you might find a partner."

Mac handed me the papers and a pen so that I could fill it out. 

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you curious/interested in the lifestyle?"

I figured something along these lines would pop up in conversation.

"When I was in high school my friends and I talked about a lot of things. One of them got into BDSM and was telling u about it. We all had our own thoughts of course. I was curious about it so I researched what I could to get bits and pieces of what it was. An understanding, even if it was a small one. It kind of sparked something in me. I wanted to try/experiment but Haley shot down each attempt I had at just trying to have a normal conversation about it. She'd just say no without hearing my reasonings and without giving me an explanation as to why. Trust me, I am aware that no can be an answer all by itself, that it doesn't need to be explained. However, I tried to give an explanation/have a conversation about the lifestyle on at least three different occasions and each time she turned me down and changed topics. I had honestly gotten to a point where all I wanted to know was why she was so against it without even truly knowing what it was about."

"Then she wasn't good for you." 

I looked at Mac. Confusion and hurt were probably clearly displayed on my face. 

"Aaron, you shouldn't have to hide a part of your true self to make your life partner happy. To make them love you."

And if that didn't put my relationship and marriage with Haley into perspective. I don't know what would have. 

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