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I pushed today's activities off probably longer than Aaron wanted. The reason was that I had to psych myself up. We've already had part of our dynamic talk, so why am I freaking out about continuing the progress of our dynamic? Expanding our relationship?

I took a breath and finally got out of my car. I've been sitting in the parking lot of Aaron's apartment complex for the past 45 minutes. 

I took my time walking to his apartment. I used the walk to calm my nerves. To focus my mind. Get in the right headspace. 

I knocked once on the door and Aaron opened it quickly.

"Hey, is everything okay?" he asked gesturing me inside. 

"Everything's fine, my nerves are just all over the place." 

"About what?"

"Talking more about our dynamic."

"We've gotten the basics out of the way already. We've already started this conversation." 

"I know. Trust me, I know. However, I think I've finally processed how real our relationship is becoming and I'm scared."

He pulled me into a hug. 

"Why do you think you're scared?"

"I'm afraid of how you'll look at me after you see my lists."

"I don't think it'll be anything bad." 

"Still a fear since I'm essentially introducing you to some of my interests." 

"Why don't we start with more information? Like if there was any information you omitted in our first talk that you think would be beneficial to know. Then we can worry about lists later, yeah?"

I nodded giving him a quick kiss. 

"Why are you good at problem-solving/task organizing?" 

"Because it's part of my job." He hummed kissing my forehead. 

We stayed in the hug a little longer. 


Aaron and I have moved to the couch, cuddled up together. An increasingly favorite pastime of mine. 

"Okay," I took a breath, "some things I'm going to go over are some terms I might've skipped over the first time. Some generalized rules of BDSM and so on."

Aaron nodded, letting me take my time. 

(A/N: the following italicized segments are Jacob explaining to Aaron)

*Safe, sane, consensual (SSC): a BDSM philosophy that dictated the pillars of BDSM play. 


    - Hard limits: limits that never will be negotiable

     - Soft limits: limits that may be negotiable/willing to try


     - Subdrop: a physical condition, often with cold or flu-like symptoms 

              * experienced by a submissive after an intense BDSM play

               * This can last for as long as a week and is best prevented by aftercare immediately after the session. 

"Good thing aftercare is something enticing to me. I don't know why someone's partner wouldn't want to care for them in this way as well." Aaron spoke so I could take a quick break. 

Protector (HotchxMaleOC) (Book2)Where stories live. Discover now