Interlude XI

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Jacob and I have been talking more about our lists. How to go about trying out a few kinks, especially with me not truly knowing most of them. Jacob suggested that we both pick a kink or two that we want to be our first experiences with, my first experience/interaction, into this lifestyle with.
Of course I ended up going more fetish/toy route picking doing something with a neck tie since its been my fascination recently, it's what clicked in my head that BDSM was at the very least intriguing to me. Jacob picked his auralism kink.
Wanting to take care of my boyfriend and his needs.
His kinks.
His reactions.
I suggested that we do his first and my turn can happen later. He was unsure of course, but when I said I'd enjoy anything if I was experiencing it with him, he agreed.

I know that Auralism is a kink dealing with being aroused by sounds. Though I need to do a little more research on it so I can understand.

Auralism- aroused by sound.
It's different for each individual. The sounds that arouse them are also dependent on that person.
* Ways to explore
   - Lean in
      * Explore with intention
       * When engaging with a partner (or partners), pay attention to the sounds of our playtime and how they make you feel.

* Tune into sounds during partnered sex
    - i.e.: moans, slurps, wetness, skin-to-skin slapping, etc
    - Some motions or positions might provide more acoustics.

*Get Vocal!
   - There's no such thing as being too loud in bed
   - Use your words and sounds to express your pleasure, and don't be afraid to make noise

* Distract your other senses
    - When you inhibit one of  the 5 senses and the others tend to come to life
        * Wearing a blindfold with your partner enhances the sense of hearing and could connect you to your inner auralist.

Now I have a better idea about this kink of Jacob's.
I plan on talking with Jacob, communicating with him, on how to make the experience better for him. I'll bring up the blindfold idea as well.

Especially since I'm unsure on what he's tried with past partners.

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