Interlude II: Through the Looking Glass I

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A/N: Interlude I was DOMINIC chapter I just forgot to add it to the title. 


Mac and I left DOMINIC slightly earlier than normal. Mac definitely not feeling it anymore. Personally, I don't mind. I like being cuddled up to him in bed. Enjoying each other's company. 

"So I had a conversation with Aaron tonight?"

"What about?"

"Potential partners. I told him about our conversation. Mentioned Jacob to him and he looked to be thinking it over." 

"Cool. I hope they get together. I think they'll be good for each other." I responded happily nuzzling into Mac's chest. 

"I'm sure they will be. They both could deal with some healing." 

I debated commenting on that, but I know it's not my business. I don't need details.

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