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Warning: Contains smut

~a month later~

A couple of months "detox" from DOMINIC proved to be helpful in several ways. Especially the aspect of working on myself and my feelings about Jacob.  To where I feel concrete enough in them that I would like to have a conversation with him. 

Mac had been asking me when I'd be returning to DOMINIC and I told him that I didn't know at that moment, but that I'd let him know. I think he's afraid that his intentions deterred me. They didn't, just forced me to take a step back and actually look at everything from a different angle.

~Hey, I'm planning on making an appearance at DOMINIC tonight. 

~ Glad to hear it. Let me know when you arrive. 

~Will do.

 It'll be a while before I show up. I plan on spending time with Jack before Jessica comes over to watch him. 


The choice of attire tonight was more comfortable than attempting to impress. Just a pair of jeans and a gray shirt.  

Arriving I was a bit (read as very) disappointed that Jacob wasn't working the door, though I know he probably doesn't work tonight. Once through the doors, I texted Mac to let him know I was here and I made my way to the second floor. I'm not here to really mingle/hook up with anyone. I was hoping to have a conversation with Jacob, but it doesn't seem like he's here today. That won't stop me from just enjoying the atmosphere. A break from work or being lost in my thoughts at home. 

I probably was on the second floor for about 10 minutes before Mac found me. 

"How've you been?" 

"Alright." I sighed. 

I'm exhausted. Not only from work but the more self-discovery I do the more I think of past experiences and it's been emotionally tiring, to say the least. 

"That didn't sound the best. What's been going on?"

"Processing a good portion of what's happened in my life. Turns out it's emotionally exhausting and I just needed a break."

"Being around this many people is a break to you?"

"There's a reason I'm on the second floor."

Mac chuckled patting my shoulder in understanding. 

"Why don't you come with me? There's someone who would like to talk to you." 

"Mac if you're trying to set me up again, I'm not..."

"Easy, Aaron. You're not the only one who chewed me out. I swear I'm not setting you up."   

"Then who wants to have a conversation with me?" 


What?! I know I came here to converse with him as well, it's just strange knowing that he wants this conversation too. I wonder if he's nervous and that's why he sent Mac over.


Mac called me earlier today about Aaron. He's finally coming to DOMINIC today and of course, I don't work but that gives me a chance to talk to him without Mac finding someone to cover for me. I am nervous though. I'm unsure how this conversation will go. I don't want a repeat of our awkward first date. 

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