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Visiting DOMINIC as a member for the first time is strange/awkward. Making sure I get a red band, proclaiming. to other clubgoers that I am a Dominant is slightly strange. Though I do understand the reasoning behind it. Safety reasons. 

Protects those who'd rather dance than participate in certain activities. Allows access to different levels/floors of the club to help filter crowds and people. Isolate if necessary. There are employees on each floor that help with "crowd" control too. The workings of this place are truly impressive. 

But yet again the process of actually doing it is strange. One I'm not used to. I haven't mingled like this in years. 

Mac found me idling by the bar. He clapped me on the shoulder, 

"How are you, Aaron?"


I glanced at him. 

"Always am."

He chuckled taking the seat next to me. 

"So what's keeping you from joining the masses?"

"Besides trying to remember how to mingle in nonwork settings?"

"How long has it been?"

"I honestly have no idea. Haley and I were high school sweethearts. To get in her good graces I joined theater/drama. I was shit at it, but it got her to notice me. We were together for a long time. Got married, had our son, and then she died because of my job." I paused.

 I've come to terms with this fact a long time ago. It doesn't hurt as much now, it just reminds me of the hardships that come with my job and potentially having a relationship. I glanced over at Mac gauging his reaction. He doesn't know much about my life. He just gave me a small smile. Understanding across his face. Realizing I don't need his pity. I've worked through that part of my life already. 

"Then years passed before I met Beth," I continued, "I was training for the FBI triathlon and she offered to train with me. We were together for a little while until she got a better job offer in New York and we kind of drifted. Being here is the first time I've tried to reach out and mingle since then."

"So you never really did much as a teenager or in college," Mac said realizing more of my character. 

"No, I did not."

"You're just going to play the waiting game then?"

I rolled my eyes. 
"I have a feeling that if I approach someone I'd scare them off." 

"You do have a strong Dominant aura that constantly pours off of you. Spencer has mentioned that that aura of yours intensifies when you get mad or are intimidating unsubs."

I chuckled to myself. 

"Of course he did." 

"Heads up, Alex and I might send some Subs your way." He stated as he got up disappearing into the dance floor. 

Great. But maybe I need the push instead of waiting for it to come organically (like with Beth). 

And so Mac kept to his word, pretty soon people were coming up to me. Mainly females. We'd have a conversation and if they didn't like me they left. Which happened a lot. 

Every once in a while one would have enough interest in me that we would end up in a room on the second floor for some fun. This process kept happening throughout the night and each time I'd come back. 

Soon I guess those that I've been with had spoken to others and sleeping with me became a word-of-mouth thing. That in itself was a little weird, but it kept happening. 

I kept learning and developing my headspace. The only thing that didn't happen was a permanent partner. We'd converse before anything and I'm asked what I do for work. I mention how I work for the FBI but I don't go into detail. We'd fuck, for all intents and purposes, and then they'd give me something about how they'd either not be able to trust me or some other bullshit reason involving my job. 

I never had repeat escapades. It was always someone new. 

Honestly, I don't know why I continued to do this. 

Experience, sure. But I'm not a fan of how I'm starting to feel about this. 

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