Interlude XV: Jacob's Past

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of abuse- child, sexual, within the foster care system. Alludes to conversion camps and homophobia. Includes/alludes to pedophilia and toxic relationships.

13 years old.

 I can't believe Devon wants to meet me behind the gym after school. 

Me of all people. 

I shake my head at my own thoughts quelling my giddiness as I round the corner to where Devon was already waiting, leant up against the wall. 

"Hey, you." 


I stood across from him and he yanked me closer by the straps of my backpack. I stumbled into him our lips touching. My eyes widened in panic and I went to back away when he used his hands to keep my head in place as he opened his mouth. 

I'd never kissed anyone before, boy or girl, so I just followed his lead the best I could. Our teeth clashed a couple of times, but I wasn't upset. The kiss made my pulse race. 

A rush. Like I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing. 
Was kissing not something just for grownups?

Suddenly I was yanked backward by my hair. 

"Scram!" was shouted at Devon and he bolted. 

The grip on my hair did not loosen until I was shoved into the backseat. 

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!"

I flinched curling in on myself ready for the lecture. Mom's favorite: Telling me everything I did wrong. While Dad prefers to talk with his fists. 


I just got back from summer camp the first one my parents ever sent me to and I didn't even want to go to a camp this summer. I haven't in years, especially since the last time I asked I got locked in my room for the whole summer instead. Now I just want to curl up into a ball and cry. My body aches all over. New scars, old scars, new and old bruises. 

Can't I just sleep and heal and when I wake up I'll be a different person? A better son with a girlfriend my parents approve of?

Of course not. 

Right as I walk through the front door I receive a fist to my face, busting my lip open again. 

"You ready to confess your sins, Boy?"

"I didn't do anything wrong."

Why did I open my mouth? I know better. I'm blaming it on my lack of sleep. 

I kept quiet with each punch that came, as he threw me down the hall. My head hit the corner of the wall. The kicks that followed. Actions my father continues even after I black out. When I come to I'm locked in my room, probably without food for a while. 

My body is used to it now. 

16 years old.

I watched from the stairs as my parent talked with some lady with a badge. They told me to pack a bag and to not fuck around. They're giving up on trying to change me since over the past 3 years I've been to multiple camps and no change really. I know which toes not to step on. I know what to hide from others. I don't really speak anymore which is a whole issue in and of itself in the eyes of my parents because it's not "respectful". Essentially my life is falling further down the shit hole. 

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