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Trigger Warning: contains/ mentions of nonconsensual and rape/SA


 Getting home from the failed date, Jack was already in bed. I thanked Jessica and went to check on my son as she left to go home. Opening the door to his room I see him passed out in bed, cuddled up in a blanket Haley gave him for his fourth birthday. It's a small navy blue fuzzy blanket. He doesn't wrap up in it often, but I'm sure talking about Haley made him miss her that much more tonight. 

I placed a kiss on his head and tucked him in. The same routine I do every time I miss him going to bed. Then I leave the room, shutting the door back behind me. 

Once in my own room, I start to take my tie off trying to essentially destress from the very awkward date I was on. From what I've seen about Jacob, I know he's a good guy. I know Mac wouldn't have made the suggestion if he wasn't. But I'm sure he was also very nervous. He might not be a natural submissive like Reid is, but I have a feeling that whatever aura I give off wasn't helping him either. Though I do wish the conversation flowed more. I personally think a reason that it didn't was that I was too worried about what happened. I was already very overdressed for the place we met at and then on top of it, I didn't want to do anything or say anything that might've tipped the scales and cause him to leave or be more uncomfortable than he already was. I feel awful that I made him feel that way. This way, maybe, I shouldn't force relationships or connections because it apparently doesn't work for me. 

When I was about to climb into bed my phone rang. Glancing at it, I saw that Dave was calling. I did mention to him that I was essentially going on a blind date set up by Mac. He knew about me joining the club. He was all for me trying something new and finding someone. Of course, I never mentioned who I was being set up with. I probably need to know myself better before I even attempt again though or tell others. 

"Hello, Dave," I answered

"So how'd the date go?" 


"What do you mean, Aaron?"

"Do you want the events leading up to the reason for the blind date or just the reasons as to why the date went poorly?" 

"All of it, I guess. Sounds like you need to talk to an outside party about it. Get it off your chest so you can understand what's going on. Like I've proven before, I am a great listener."

I mean it's not the worst suggestion in the world. He kinda helped Spencer before, but he's also helped me with a lot of different things over the years. He might have a better understanding. An outsider's view. 

"So when I joined DOMINIC I figured it would take some time to get any interest. Which, honestly, I didn't really mind.  I don't know a lot about all of these things, either. I was willing to let whatever happened happen organically. The main reason for that was because I hadn't truly been on the so-called dating scene in a while. And I'm not really sure how to go about it properly. Mac found me that first night and said to start he and Alex would send a couple of 'potenitals' my way. I was thinking that at the very least I'd have conversations with them and go from there. But I forget what kind of world we live in now."

I continued to explain to Dave about the women that would come up to me. The type of conversations that we'd have and then the response I'd be left with no matter if anything happened or not. Dave just listened. 

"Then when I spoke to Mac about it, he mentioned how there was someone he had in mind for me. To think the idea of being with this person over. Apparently, I took too long to decide what I wanted to do. So Mac took it into his own hands and set up a date for us. So tonight I show up to this mom-and-pop diner completely overdressed in slacks, a button-down, and a tie because Mac never gave me details about this date. We sat through it in awkward small talk or silence and forced conversation topics until we sat in uncomfortable silence. it was just bad."


"Aaron," I spoke once he finished explaining what had happened. 

He was used and raped. I know when men in particular are assaulted they don't always realize that they are or believe that they have been. 


"What I'm about to explain to you I would like you to just listen and process what is being said, okay?" 

"Um... okay?"

I'm sure the way I'm going about this is slightly confusing for this time of night. 

"You just threw yourself into this scene. This BDSM lifestyle. Sure you got the basics from Mac, but you don't know everything. Normally when you go to a new environment you go a few times and observe what goes on. We both do. Instead, you let Mac run the actions. I do understand your reasoning as to why, even if you don't. He owns DOMINIC, he's more in the life, and he knows those who attend his club pretty well, especially the regulars.  I also know he was probably very excited/happy to help a friend of Spencer's learn more about his lifestyle. He got carried away. I can see that and if you explain it to him, I'm sure he'll see it that way as well." 

I took a breath waiting to see if he had a response. When Hotch didn't say anything, I continued. 

"Now with what happened while you attended DOMINIC. You are aware that you were assaulted, correct?"

"Mac commented on that aspect as well."

"Why didn't you remove yourself from the situation after they didn't listen to you? You followed them up the stairs when you didn't have to."

(A/N: I'm not trying to discredit/criticize anyone who's been in similar situations. This is just how my brain chooses to explain it. So I apologize if this bothers anyone.)

"I'm not sure, Dave. Maybe, in the way they had a hold of my arm if I got out of their hold, I might've injured them. Potentially, I was too much in my head to focus on what was truly happening."

I could tell he was shutting down, his walls rising. 

"Okay. Okay. Maybe before you jump back into this thing you should take some time to process everything. From starting at DOMINIC to the date. Maybe even from your past relationships."

"I'll take that into consideration. Goodnight, Dave." and he hung up. 

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