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Warning: SMUT


As always once Jacob and I have calmed down from a scene or our own releases, I start on aftercare. Making sure I soothe his skin, clean him up, and let him slowly come out of his subspace. Though today it seemed to have the opposite effect. Jacob's definitely planning something. Because before I knew it Jacob was using his legs to flip us over. 

"Pinning" me to the bed with his body weight. Pulling me into a kiss. I indulge him a bit, kissing back, bracing my hands on his waist holding him to me. After a bit when he started to get wiggly, I broke the kiss and put us in a seated position with him on my lap. 

"Jacob, today is about you. Focus is on you. My turn can wait a while."

"If it's about me then I want to take care of my boyfriend who's been taking care of me in more ways than one today." 

"Jacob." I sighed keeping his hips still. 

"You also probably shouldn't have worried about massaging the redness away around my cock."

"Baby." I groaned out because, of course, he knows what he's doing.

"Yes?" asking all innocent-like when we both know he isn't. 


Suddenly my mouth was occupied yet again in another kiss. With a small sigh of "defeat," I let my eyes slip shut and enjoy the moment. 

Again this relationship is different and new for me. I'm used to focusing entirely on my partners and pushing what I want and my own needs to the back burner essentially. So getting used to Jacob wanting to care for me and experience with me my own interests has been a change. It's a good different though. 

Focusing more on the thoughts and feelings of what's currently going on I pull my boyfriend closer to me. Holding him flush against me. With each opening of his mouth, our tongues are fighting for dominance, and Jacob grinds his body down on me thrusting slightly forward at the same time. We broke for air and I let my eyes open, just watching my flushed partner. He didn't move from my lap as he reached behind him grabbing the tie we just used as his blindfold in the previous round. I couldn't contain my groan as he picked it up if I wanted to. 

He gave me this smirk as he slowly drug the fabric across our crotches. Tying one end to the base of my cock and the other to the tip of his.

"Even with a mind coated in arousal, I can put two and two together, Profiler."

"Uh-huh." my brain short-circuited going blank for a second. Focusing entirely on the feeling of the tie and the image before me. Watching as Jacob maneuvered himself and the tie until he was fully seated on my pulsing member. 

"That doesn't allow for much give," I spoke roughly finding my voice. 

"I know," he smirked. 

"Brat." I gasped out as he tested how high he could lift up with the tether. 

"Your turn. Safeword." 


"Good. Now are you ready?"

I could only hum in response due to Jacob acting out and already moving as he asked the question. Not only was I overwhelmed (for lack of a better word) with the feeling of my cock buried in Jacob's abused asshole that still has my cum in it from round once acting as lubricant, but also by the delicious tug of the tie as Jacob slightly popped up. 

Being tethered like this plus the limited movement equals a more intense pressure/pleasure. With each bounce, the tie would tighten on the up motion constricting my base resulting in more of a backup of my own release. Similar to when I was edging myself with the tie when I masturbated with it. Honestly, this was a good plan on Jacob's part, I was so close to cummming just from the first movement he made. Still wound up from round one and even more turned on by seeing him fucking with and manipulating the tie. Taking this into consideration.

A growl escaped my throat at a particularly hard landing by Jacob, harmonizing with his own breathy moan. 

As Jacob kept moving, I readjusted our positions slightly. I placed one hand on his thigh gripping it tight enough that he'll have bruises shaped like my fingertips in the morning. My other hand I placed behind me to be able to support our weight as I leaned back slightly. Tilting my head to witness the beauty in front of me. 


Bracing a hand on my chest to stabilize himself, the other gripping my leg in a pulsing motion. His hand curling on my knee each time he lifts up off my lap. 

His eyes are half-lidded. 

Sweat matting his hair to his forehead and coating his skin in a glistening sheen. Mixing with the saliva trickling out of the corners of his slightly opened mouth. Soft moans, groans, and breaths leave it in ecstasy. 

His head tilted back in pleasure. 

I let my eyes trail down his body following the line of hickies I left earlier. 

The vein popping slightly in his neck from strain. 

His abused nipples hard and swollen. 

His abs flexing, tensing with his movements, and the fact that each time he lifts up he clenches that ring of muscle tightening its grip on my member. Causing the tip to drag against the soft tissue inside. Also causing low moans and growls to escape my throat. 

His penis hard and twitching. Leaking an extreme amount of precum. The tip bright red and swollen contrasting against the start black color of the tie delicately tied around the tip. 

"Beautiful." I breathed wishing slightly that I had Spencer's eidetic memory so that I can never forget how Jacob looks in this moment. 

Hell, I'd settle for a camera.

His skin flushed dark as a blush made its way over his skin. 

A whine.

"Look at you. Abused flesh from round one gaining new bruises from round two." 

A choked moan. 

"How are you feeling, Baby?" 

"Close," he whined. 

I moved positions again surging up to meet him in his own movements. He started making little "ahh" noises at each contact of our skin. I used one hand to untie the tie from around our members before wrapping my arms around his back. Capturing his bruised and swollen lips in a kiss. 

With another hard thrust up I swallowed both of our shouts down as we orgasmed. 


We've finally calmed down but not really moved from our position. 

"Okay, I see why you have a thing about ties." 

I just chuckled as Jacob rested his head on my shoulder. 

"Can we please include a tie in all of our sexual activities scenes or not?" 

"I wouldn't mind." I hummed kissing the top of his head. The sweat and cum are drying on my skin though and beginning to become a little uncomfortable. 

"Fancy a shower?"

His head lifted up and a tired happy hum left his mouth. So I stood up keeping myself inside Jacob to not only avoid making a mess on his floor but also to potentially entice him for a round three. 

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