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Apparently, I wasn't "fast" enough in my thinking process to potentially pursue something with Jacob for Mac. He set up a "blind" date for us. I get that he's excited. I don't know if Reid divulged any information to Mac about what happened with Haley. 

Things I'm aware of and yet they're just filed away to deal with later. I have a son to care for and a job to do. No real-time to grieve more than once. To overthink things that happened.  

I just wish Mac realized that I would like to do things at my own pace. I know he's excited to be my "wingman" like Dave tried to do as well. I'm sure the fact that I'm trying to work on and learn about this Dominant aura I apparently have so I don't accidentally harm Spencer while working a case. 


I glance from the mirror to Jack who came into the room. Jessica should be here soon to watch him. 

"Yes?" I questioned going back to tying my tie. 

Mac isn't giving me many details, so my go-to attire I guess. Maybe minus the jacket. 

"Are you okay? You seem sad."

I'm raising a profiler. 

"I'm alright buddy. Just thinking about Mom."

He came up and hugged me. 

"It's okay, Dad. She wants us to be happy."

I ruffled his hair. 

"Yeah buddy, she does."

Backing away from the mirror I crouched to his level. 

"How do I look?"

"Nice. Are you going to be happy with your dinner?"

"I hope so."

He smiled hugging me again. 

Whenever I think I don't have a handle on this single dad gig, Jack does something like this or we have a conversation that makes me realize that we're doing alright. 

There was a knock on the door signalling Jessica's arrival. I got up off the floor and let her in. Pleasentries were given and I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys heading out the door after kissing Jack's forehead. 

Showing up to the diner I realized I'm very overdressed. 

Damn it, Mac. This is what details are for. Nerves started to make themselves known and I realized how much focusing on Jack had been keeping my nerves at bay. 

Jitters are normal when meeting someone. I wish we'd had a proper conversation before going on a date, but I can work with what I'm given. 

Hopefully, I'm not late. 

I walk into the diner spotting Jacob in a corner booth. I recognize him from the amount of times I've entered DOMINIC recently. He's in a black tee and some jeans. 


My breath catches in my throat. He looks good. 

I'm overdressed.

I slid into the booth across from him. There's panic on his face. 



He started to drink his milkshake. I couldn't stop myself from watching his lips around the straw. 

Fucking focus, Aaron. This is a first date, stop just wanting to take him to bed. This is different than what you've been doing at DOMINIC over the past couple of weeks. 

Painstakingly, I dragged my eyes away from him drinking to grab a menu. 

"Sorry, I kinda got nervous and went ahead and ordered."

"No, it's totally okay."

The waitress came over and I ordered quickly. 

There's definitely nerves and uncertainty on both ends. 

We're in for a very awkward dinner. 



We literally ate in silence. Taking peeks at each other, but never fully making eye contact and having a conversation. We both made a comment about how Mac picked a good place to eat. 

This is why I would've liked to just hang out and get to know each other first instead of "jumping" headfirst into a date. 

Because he also is unaware of the fact that I'm a single father. A big piece of information that helps a person make a decision. Not everyone is ready to be a parent or someone for a child to look up to. Not ready to enter a relationship with someone who has kids. It might be a responsibility they're not ready to accept. 

As the dinner continued we both grew uncomfortable. It's essentially just two strangers sitting at the same table. The checks came and I paid for both though he did try to keep me from paying for him. Honestly, it's the least I could do. He was put in an uncomfortable position because of a suggestion Mac made on my part. 

Awkward goodbyes were given and we went our separate ways.


~How'd dinner go?

Mac texted me. I sighed. 

~Bad. Awkward. Uncomfortable. 

Processing this is going to take a lot out of me. I mean it's another failed attempt at dating. I'm essentially out of practice. 

* I pursued Haley

* Beth pursued me

*And now I don't know what's going on or what I want. 

How do I even go about this whole thing?

~What, why?

~Probably because we both knew you set it up and it wasn't "organic"

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