Interlude VII: Through the Looking Glass III part 2

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Warning: SMUT


Sir brought us to a playroom. As he went to the bed I sank to the floor. I'm not really sure as to why, but it feels nice. It feels right. I even lowered my eyesight to the ground so I could please him. 



 It took me a minute to focus on Sir. 

Have I done something wrong? Did I miss something? 

I can feel how hard I am and squeeze my thighs together getting some friction. 


Names. He wants me present, not all static. 

Which is the line I'm currently walking. 

I blink back into focus. 


"Why don't you come sit  on the bed." He spoke putting the comfy-looking mattress. 

"Are you sure, Sir?"

I don't want to be doing anything wrong. Looking into anything wrong. 

"You don't want to ruin your knee-highs, do you?"

NO! They're a new gift from Cher. She said she saw them when she and Amanda went shopping the other week and they thought I'd like them. 

Plus, they're white. Too easy to get dirty. 

So I stood up and was about to take a step to the bed when Sir came up behind me. Grabbing my arms to pull me to his chest I can feel how excited and turned on he is. 

So I am doing the right thing. 

His mouth is really close to my ear and as he speaks he nibbles on the lobe. 

"Besides, It'll be more comfortable to fuck you on the bed. Well... unless you want to be fucked on the ground." He growled. 

Fuck. Are both an option?

My legs give out but Sir doesn't let me fall. Instead, he picks me up and tosses me on the bed. My hair ends up in my face, distorting my view of my Dom. Of my safe person. 



"Good Boy." he hummed reaching his hands under my skirt to remove my underwear. 

"Look at how pretty you are, Angel. I don't want to take all of this off. So what do you think about having fun in your clothes?"

He blinks at me, thinking. 

"Okay, but you stay clothed too."

Denim means extra friction

"As you wish."

I grab him by the thighs angling him sideways before yanking my Submissive towards me. Letting his upper half stay on the mattress. As my hands began moving up his legs, which also pulled me closer to him, his hands were twisting the fabric clenched in his grasp. 

"Now, what are you doing with those pretty little hands of yours?" I hummed dropping a kiss to the exposed skin of his stomach due to his crop top riding up his torso. 

"Don't know." my Angel breathed out in a whine. 

He's all wired up with anticipation. 

Another kiss, this time on his neck, "Then do something with them."

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