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After that do-over first date, Jacob and I have done our best for having dates during our free time (read as around my work schedule/time I have set aside for Jack). Not all of our dates have been dinner dates either. Sometimes it's movie nights or a picnic. My favorite ones are when we go on walks. Haley hated those types of dates because to her "I wasn't showing her attention/enough of my affection to her." Even though it was the two of us and she was my sole focus. She preferred physical objects/representation. Meaning the fancy dinners, gifts, flowers, the whole 9 yards. 

I guess it makes sense, I mean Haley was never fond of having conversations. I remember I was cleaning out the garage once and I found the pirate hat I wore in the play where I first met her. She called it junk and we argued. I was wrong in her eyes, but she "gave me a chance" by telling me that I had until the end of the day to convince her on why we should keep the hat I wore as pirate #4.

Finally, when it came time to explain, I tried to and did my best to appeal to our relationship in a "romantic" retelling of the first time I saw her. We ended up having sex on the couch that night afterwards because she didn't want my words of praise. She wanted me to physically shower her with my affection. 


I blinked remembering where I was. Jacob and I were having another movie night. At my apartment this time since Jack is with Jessica. 

She's back to excessively wanting to watch him because "I don't care about my son enough to give him all of my undivided attention. "

Which is not true.

Jack knows I love him and we will pick days to go do something fun. An adventure as he calls them. He's big into the outdoors stuff recently so we've gone hiking a few times. Fishing. Next he wants to go camping. I did inform him that it might have to be in say, Dave's backyard, but  he didn't care. It actually got him more excited asking if we could invite Henry too. 

I'm also pretty sure Jack is aware that I'm dating, or at the very least trying to. Yes he saw me get ready for both the blinde date and the do-over, but I think he's finally caught on to the fact that I like the person I'm seeing and that sometimes we need our own space. He's started asking if he can spend nights with Henry and his family, or Dave. Sometimes Jessica, but I think he's trying to pull away from her. 

I know I'll need to have the discussion with him that I'm officially in a relationship. For now, I want to keep it between Jacob and I. I'll know when the time is right to tell my son. 

"Babe, you're missing the movie."

I blinked back into focus. 

"Sorry, Sweetheart."

"What's got you thinking so hard over there anyway?"

"Word associations or I guess thought associations. My train of thought has derailed into at least 3 different tracks."

"Stressed at work?" he hummed. 

"That probably has something to do with it."

"What else?" he stopped the movie at this point. 

"Jessica and the way she's been acting. It's very similar to the way she acted towards Jack and me after Haley died. Helping and yet not helping at the same time. Judging me for the way i parent my son and how -according to her- much time I actually spend with him."

"You really need to have a sit down conversation with her and get to the bottom of her attitude." 

"I know." I sigh kissing the top of his head. 

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