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Ugh! He never learned his lesson. Aaron lost Haley and Jack once. Now he's going to lose Jack a second time. Hell, he might end up like his mother and it'll all be Aaron's fault. 

If Aaron doesn't start spending more time with this son, he'll miss everything about the kid growing up. But I guess Aaron is used to that anyway. 

Aaron's acting the way he did when he started dating Beth. He has to have started dating someone again. Assumidly behind Jack's back especially with the amount of time he needs a babysitter. 

So now he's splitting his time between work and this new slut he's seeing, pushing his son to the background. Probably until he is forgotten. 

At least now Jack is with me. We're watching a movie and he is so engrossed in it. I guess he is like his father in that aspect. He turns his attention fully onto something not as important as family. 

Going off of how often I've been watching Jack recently, it seems like Aaron is already trying to get rid of his son and start over. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my nephew, my sister's child, however, I just wish his father would spend time with him. Jack's already lost one parent and he's on the way to losing the other. 


We had just finished eating dinner when there was a knock on the door. Aaron must be home from his work trip. 

Why didn't he call? Ugh, he was probably with his bitch. 

Sighing, I finished placing the dishes in the sink and went to open the door. 


"Jessica, may I come in?" 

Annoyed I moved off to the side to allow him inside. I'd rather be telling him to fuck off, that I'll keep my nephew from here on out. Adopt him like I wanted to do after Haley died. But I couldn't uproot Jack's life for a third time in such a short span of time. 

"Dad!" Jack shouted rounding the corner to hug Aaron. 

"Hey, kiddo."

"Jack, why don't you get your things so I can talk to your father."


"Jack, why don't you go gather your things so I can talk to your father."

I felt Jack's shoulders slough as he left the hug. 
Something's wrong and I wouldn't be surprised if he picked up on it. Jack's always been a pretty observant child. 

Once Jack was out of sight and presumably out of earshot Jessica started in. 

"You're seeing someone." 

She's accusing me. 

I knew she was starting the same arguments I've had in the past with Haley and with her after Haley died. She'll start going off about how according to her I should be spending all my time with Jack. Not my job. Not my significant other. 

"I am."

"Does Jack know?"

"I haven't explicitly told him, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had an inkling. I won't tell him for sure until I know what I'm doing." 

Until I know how he'll react to me with another man. He's only seen me with women. Haley. Beth. 

I know he doesn't have a problem with Spencer and Mac, but I don't know, this is different. 

Probably, also, maybe I'm not ready for his reaction. 

"So you're lying to him. Ignoring him." 

Of course, that's her take on it. 

"That's not what I'm doing, Jessica. He knows I've been on dates. Just because I'm not comfortable yet introducing him to the person I'm dating doesn't mean I'm lying. And I'm not ignoring him. We have our own adventure days. Our own activity days. I still pick him up from school/take him to school when I'm available to do so. We have movie nights. We go hiking. We do things he wants to do. Sometimes we sit at home and are lazy doing nothing all day. You just think I don't spend time with my son because you aren't included in those activities."

"Bullshit! You introduced him to Beth very quickly. Like you were trying to erase the past. Did you even care that Haley died!"

"Did I care? DO I CARE?! Are you listening to yourself, Jess? Of course, I cared. She was my wife. The mother of my son. I loved her, I wish she didn't die, especially not the way she did. I care about my son. I spend time with him and give him his own space. He's growing up, I get that and he knows I'm here for him. That I'll always be there for him."

"Does he though?! Does he believe that? Or does he see that you're trying to replace his mother?!" 

Before I got a chance to respond, someone else did it for me. 

"Dad isn't trying to replace her." 

I looked passed Jessica to see Jack with his bag. He looks angry. Not really surprising that he heard us, we started shouting. 

"Jack you're not old enough to understand." Jessica tried as she spun around to face him. 

"I think I understand just fine. I understand that Dad is trying to live his life and move on. I understand enough to remember mom moved on before she died. I understand that my dad grieves differently than me than you. I understand that  you are the one trying to replace my mom." Jack spoke with finality. 

He walked around her giving her a wide birth as she tried to grab him. 

"Dad, can we go home now?" he asked once he was in front of me. 

"Come on, Jack." I smiled down at him. 

I'm proud of him. Standing up for himself, though I wish he didn't have to be in this position. 

Placing a hand on his shoulder I steered him out the door and to the car. 

Protector (HotchxMaleOC) (Book2)Where stories live. Discover now