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Shit! Shit! Shit!

I'm running around my apartment in a panic trying to figure out what to fucking wear because Mac decided to set me up on a blind date because and I quote,

"You seem sad and moody. I wanted to try cheering you up."

No more details except for the address of where I'm meeting this mystery person. I ask questions but all I get is essentially "static"-radio silence. So without much information, I don't know what to wear. I'm afraid of not being dressed up enough but Cher and Amanda both texted me a response: 

~Fuck that. Be yourself-A

~Fuck Fancy. Wear something comfy.-C

In our group chat after I mentioned what Mac planned. 

Sighing, I rub my hand over my face. 

I guess I can "dress up" my version of comfy.

I grab a black tee and throw on some black jeans. Shoving my feet into some black biker boots I grab a leather jacket and my keys as I walk out the door. If I try to arrive on time I won't show up, I'll be deep into an anxiety attack so I'd rather be early. Even if it is by an hour. 


Getting here on time or early doesn't seem to matter because my nerves are shot. I can't stop bouncing my leg or glancing at the door. Every single male that walked through the door I thought was my blind date. These motions are just increasing my nervousness so for a distraction I went ahead and ordered food. 

A vanilla shake with a cheeseburger and fries. 


The milkshake came out first and right as I went to take a drink of it, in walks fucking Aaron Hotchner dressed to the nines in a white button down, tie, and slacks. 

Fuck, I'm so underdressed it's not funny. 

He keeps walking towards my booth and my brain finally connects the dots. 

Aaron Hotchner is my blind date. 


I gave him a nervous smile as he sat down across from me. 


Why the fuck is my voice so quiet? Am I already slipping into subspace? Was I just that nervous and that worked up?

"Hello." He spoke and fuck his voice. 

I forgot how raspy and stern it was. Silence. An awkward silence followed. Finally, I went to try my milkshake to just do something to maybe break the awkwardness. As I took a drink, I caught Aaron staring at me and I actually felt myself slip a little into subspace. That freaked me out so I stuttered, 

"Sorry, I kinda got nervous and went ahead and ordered."

I think, unconsciously, Aaron caught onto my slip or at the very least recognized that I am slightly in a vulnerable place. 

"No, it's totally okay." with a small smile. 

He caught the attention of the waitress and quickly placed his own order. As we waited for his food we did try to have small talk. 

It wasn't working. 

I physically and mentally couldn't focus long enough on the conversation because I was trying not to slip. Of course, we both had to mention how Mac set this date up. Probably out of nerves, but it still made me feel ick. Maybe Mac forced the blind date on Aaron and he's upset that it's me. I mean we don't really know each other. First dates are meant to get to know each other, but that only works if you can hold a conversation long enough to do so. 

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