Interlude XIII: Through the Looking Glass IV part 2

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Oh for Fucks sake. 

 I sighed frustratedly running my hands over my face. 

"You alright, Mac?" Alex called as he walked past my office's open door. 


I heard Alex backtrack to the doorway. 

"What's going through your head?"

"Realizing what my Submissive's been doing for the past several months."

"What did Spencer do?"

I looked to Alex my hands clasped together and pressed under my chin. 

"Experimenting on me." 

"You're going to have to explain that. " 


"He *stifled laughter* figured out about *snort* your obsession with his hands." Alex tried to contain his laughter. 

I just hummed an affirmative glaring at my best friend. 

"He's teasing you." Alex lost it. 

I groaned knocking my head on the desk. 

"I'm just annoyed that it took me this long to figure it out." I huffed over Alex's laughter. 

Once he calmed down, whipping the tears from his eyes he responded, 

" You might want to go home and talk with him about this. I mean obviously, you're slightly frustrated by it. I doubt you'll be able to focus on the paperwork any longer. Hell, I bet you got bored with it a while ago which is why your thoughts strayed to your profiler boyfriend and his shenanigans."

He's right. Spencer and I do need to have a conversation about this. I would like to understand why he didn't mention it to me or ask after he figured it out.


Opening the apartment door Spencer shifts on the couch. Tilting his head back to watch me walk through the door, causing the expanse of his neck to be on show. Walking more into the living room, I can get a better view of Spencer's position. 

Long legs tossed over the back of the couch. 

Book propped up against his thighs, right hand braced against it holding it up while the left hand is behind his head. 

"You're home early." He spoke. 

"Yeah, I needed to talk to you." 

His brows creased together as he sat up grabbing a scrap of paper to use as a bookmark we both know he doesn't need. 

"Is everything okay?" His eyes tracked me as I sat against the coffee table so I could see him. 

"Why didn't you come to me with your findings."

Spencer started to fold in on himself. Face red. 

"Bug, I'm not mad at you. I'm frustrated that it took me so long to figure out what you were doing. I just want to understand why you didn't come talk to me."

"I wasn't sure at first. Thought I was reading too much into it. Then I started to pay much more attention than probably necessary when I confirmed it. I guess I was afraid that if I came to you about everything you'd tell me to not pay it any mind."

"What do you mean, Spencer?"

"You take into account everything that I enjoy, that makes me feel good, and yet you don't give me much about what makes you feel good. Now I feel like I have to fight to figure out anything that makes you feel good. I want that backlog of information about you too. It's a partnership, we both deserve to feel cared for. To feel good."

He's not wrong. I tend to keep most of my "pleasure buttons" close to me. I'd rather make sure my partner is getting what they want. Their desires filled. 

"I'm sorry. I keep my cards close to my chest. It's a safety precaution. I guess if I pleasure my partners above and beyond their expectations they won't leave me. You won't leave me."

Spencer stood up looking at me as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, wrists supporting my head as I tilted back to look up at him. 

"We've been together for 3 years now, Mac. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

He bent down to kiss me. I grabbed his hips stabilizing us and deepening the kiss. Drowning in it. 

As we break for breath, I finally respond to him. 

"I love you too, Sweetheart. I'll try my best to inform you more about things that make me feel good, okay?"

"Okay." he hummed swooping back down for another kiss. 

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