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It's been weeks and I cannot get that night out of my head. 

The feelings. 

The sounds. Our sounds combined. 

Aaron in all his naked glory. 

Fuck the third round of sex in the shower. 

~Flashback~ (Warning: SMUT)

Aaron's hands gripped the globes of my ass as he held me up while getting the shower set up. 


It's just hot being manhandled like this. 

As he was fiddling with the temperature of the water I captured his lips in a kiss. He chuckled against them before kissing back taking control of the kiss. Waling us into the shower, under the spray and pins me up against the wall. Hands still on my ass supporting me up as he shallowly thrusts into me. I put my own hands in his damp hair, pulling and tugging with each burst of our tongues together and each thrust of his hips. 

The hot water washing over us, its steam adding to the steam/heat we are creating with our own bodies. But unfortunately, everyone needs to breathe, so I pull back for a breath a moan or two escaping as Aaron hasn't stopped lazily thrusting into my ass. Though I love being filled to the brim by Aaron, I really want that monster of a cock in my fucking mouth. Tasting him on my tongue. I want him to bruise the back of my throat to the point that I won't really be able to talk for the next few days. So I did my best to try and get my feet on the ground. 

Aaron let me stand on my own. His hard cock slipped out of my ass and standing to attention slapping his abdomen a little. I could feel his cum mixing with the water as it dripped down my legs. Our hard members brushed against each other. Slowly I lowered myself until my knees were on the tiled floor and I was at eye level with Aaron's messy cock. 

I hummed in delight. Looking up at Aaron as I swallow him down. Our eyes meet and he grips my hair tight, pushing all the way into my mouth until his tip is at the back of my throat and my nose is buried in his pubic hair. 

Aaron Hotchner is going to kill me, I swear. 

He's so good at dominating and fuck if I don't get some kinda high of submitting to this man, especially when he takes control and gets a little more primal with me. My eyes fall shut as I begin to suck, running my tongue along the bulging veins in his cock, tracing his ridges. 

A harsh yank of my hair. 

"Uh-uh, keep your eyes open," he growled. 


My member twitches. 

I pull back which he allows. 

"Yes Sir," I state verbally letting him know I heard him before taking another breath to swallow him down again. Hollowing out my cheeks as he thrusts forward again. Swallowing around the tip each time it slips slightly down my throat. I hum periodically as well to add an extra sensation for Aarn. Which in turn caused Aaron to increase the speed and intensity of his thrusts. 

I ended up having to brace myself on Aaron's lower half. Arms wrapped around his thighs with one hand gripping the back of one thigh and the other hand ribbing an ass cheek. It took a lot in me to focus on not letting the fingers on that hand wander, wanting to add another sensation for Aaron, make this good for him, but not wanting to freak him out right now. We're both so close to our third orgasms of the night and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that. 

The thrusts got sloppier and I did my best to relax my throat and jaw to accommodate Aaron. When I felt Aaron's muscles tense I prepared myself the best I could to swallow his load. It came in hot spurts hitting the back of my throat. Aaron's growl of pleasure at his release spurred my own release and moan of pleasure vibrating on Aaron's spent cock. 

With the tight grip he still had on my hair, Aaron pulled me up for a kiss, tasting himself still on my tongue.

~end of flashback~

And I haven't been able to get his ass out of my head. The number of times I've fantasized and jerked off to mental pictures and actually pictures of Aaron's ass. Naked, clothed, etc. It honestly doesn't even fucking matter, I just know I want to claim it as mine just as he's done to me. 
There is just one problem/fear that I have about having this conversation with Aaron. 

This conversation about me being a switch brings up so much anxiety within me that I might just be thinking irrationally here too, but I'm afraid of how he'll react. We've been dating for several months now and I haven't told him something about me involving this lifestyle we live in. I know the fear comes from things in my past relationships and just my past in general. I know Aaron is different than anyone back then, but their reactions still haunt me. 

Maybe I just need to think about it. Figure out how to word it and see what Aaron thinks of it. At the very least I need to tell him my truth. Tell him that I want to fuck him, so at least he knows. Communicate with him and then the decision is his to make. Yes, he's my Dom, but he's also my boyfriend and to keep this relationship I want to keep the communication open. I might open up a bit more to him about the headspace I fell into when he showed up the other day. Maybe giving him a small insight into my past, I don't know. Like I said, I need to think about everything. Think about what it is that I'm ready to share with him right now.

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