Interlude XII: Through the Looking Glass IV part 1

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Mac and I were cuddling in bed. 

Meaning really that I was sitting up with my back against the headboard reading a book maybe two while Mac was lying down next to me, his top half curled around my lower half. 

His head resting against my hip. 

His arms around my waist. 

 I had my book propped up on one leg using one hand to keep it open. My middle finger going down the interior spine to keep up with which sentence I was on. My other hand is resting in Mac's hair, every so often carding through it earning soft breathless unconscious moans, especially when my fingers caught on a know causing a slight tug. Mac barely noticed though considering he fell asleep almost immediately after curling up.  

Maybe his noises are due to my fingers in his hair, but going by how he's poking the side of my leg, I'm going to bet it's the wet dream he's probably having. 

He tends to get them often I realized a while ago. Especially after we started our dynamic. It's practically a fact that Mac is a horny individual. 

He owns a sex club for fucks sake. 

The playroom in his office. 

The play closet in our apartment. 

The way even just the smallest things gets him so turned on. 

To the point of pain.

But he doesn't do much about it for his own thrill of the high later. Or to make his partner comfortable.

Sometimes I don't know much of what turns him on. I feel like I could blink and all of a sudden Mac is as hard as a rock. His dick bulging, straining in his jeans or suit slacks depending on his mood. The occasional sweatpants as well, but that's normally at night/first thing in the morning. 

Mac shifted slightly as I adjusted my book at the same time flipping to the next page. 

"I'm sure there's a better way to hold that than splaying it open with your whole hand. Honestly, you don't need to finger the pages either."

I glanced down at Mac who was slowly walking up. Shifting trying to adjust the ache between his legs. 

"I would normally be using both hands, however, someone decided to invade my space so I compacted my original position," I spoke.

Flipping the page against hearing a groan escape Mac's lips as he began a slow grind into my leg/partially the mattress. Obvious;y this isn't anything new in actions from Mac, especially when he wakes up in the morning and is still half asleep, but I'm wondering why he commented about my reading. He knows I read constantly and he's seen how I hold my books. 

 How I'm holding my book, "splayed open with one hand and you don't have to finger the pages either."

He commented specifically on my hands. My fingers.

He was moaning as I ran my fingers through his hair, choking on the sound when my fingers caught on a knot yanking his head backward. 

I know he has a hair-pulling kink, but that seems minor to what's going on. 

Does Mac have a thing about my hands, or am I crazy?

Giving in to the experimentation impulse, I keep my eyes on my book reading still as I begin to "mindlessly" play with Mac's hair. My middle finger still tracing the inside spine of the book. Mac's breath came out in hot spurts against the sliver of bare skin on my stomach from where my shirt rode up. His hips sped up to match his panting. I can feel his gaze on me, just not on my face. I chance a glance to the left and his eyes are glued to the hand that's holding my book. I continue to act oblivious mostly to Mac's actions and his mood as I finish reading my book. If I slow down my reading for Mac's benefit no one has to know. 

I end up finishing my book at the same time that Mac cums. I can feel the wetness in his sweatpants spread where he is still pressed up against my leg. His breathy whines and moans are incredible.

Does Mac feel this rush when I make similar noises?

 He almost had me slipping a time or two, but I kept track of it. This is gaining knowledge for Mac, not for my pleasure. 

Well currently anyway.


It's been a few weeks since the bedtime book experiment. I've conducted a few more since then and sometimes it truly was unintentional. 

It's as if Mac's focus reverts to my hands for the majority of the day. He pouts a bit when I wear oversized sweaters/hoodies when we go to DOMINIC. My only thoughts being because the fabric covers my hands. 

But back to the experiments I conducted: 

* When I put on my Converse or sneakers I make sure to sit in Mac's vicinity as  I begin to tie up the laces. Taking extra time to make sure the laces are even on both sides all the way up. I can feel Mac's heated stare on my body as I do this begging me not to go to work even though my team needs me. 

* I've started making food more when I'm home, mainly for dinner. Not changing the way I read books for the recipes. One hand stretched meticulously with a finger or two outstretched towards the page keeping me on track for whichever step I was on. Mac couldn't really be in the kitchen. He'd walk in and then back out, pass by the doorway, or pass through the kitchen, but he never stayed and sat down to watch. 

*Then just slight brushes of my hand against his hand, his arm, maybe his thigh or the knee. Bring my hands up to his shoulder and wrapping one in his hair when we kiss. 

Isn't there a kink about hands? Starts with a Q?


I swear I remember Mac saying something about that in the learning phase of our dynamic. 

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