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Spencer came out front in distress. I guess one of his friends snapped his harness against his skin. 

I'm not entirely sure if the person meant it maliciously or not. Either way, he left a pretty nasty bruise on Spencer's side. Very sensitive because as Amanda put cream on it Spencer buckled in pain. 

Poor kid. 


Spencer seemed to be comfortably sinking back into headspace while drowning in my sweatshirt/hoodie. Definitely at least three times too big on him. 

Glancing away from a content Spencer, I watched a man leave the club. He looked to either side of the door before spotting us and walking over. 

He's tall with dark brown almost black hair. Dressed in a suit complete with a tie and dress shoes. He bleeds Dominant and my heart rate picks up. 

It's rare that someone catches my attention and this man definitely has. 

Once close enough he clears his throat and Spencer looks at him though the hood falls into his eyes so he can't see the man clearly. 

"Reid?" the man speaks with a slightly rough deep voice and if I was in my headspace I'd melt right here, right now. 

"Yeah?" Spencer spoke softly

They must know each other. Maybe Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious is one of Spencer's friends. 

"May I talk with you?"

Spencer nodded doing his best to push the hood down. Realizing that they probably would like some privacy, I ruffled Spencer's "bedhead" and headed back to the front door where Cher and Amanda were standing with shit-eating grins on their faces. 

"You like him."-Cher

"He's hot... my type." I agreed. 

"His name is Aaron. He works with Spencer at the FBI." Amanda informed. 

Oh, intriguing. I wonder what he does to unwind.

The three of us watch them converse keeping an eye on Spencer. Aaron seems like he might be apologizing but I'm too far away to be able to tell. Suddenly, Spencer slammed into the man.  He's like an immovable object. I just caught the slight tension in Spencer's body as pain radiated through him before he relaxed into the hug. 

He's part of the kid's support system and you can easily tell. 

After they walked back inside Cher smacked me. 

"Stop checking out his ass and actually figure out what you're going to say to nab him." 

She can't fault me, his ass looks amazing in the suit pants. But "nabbing" him as a partner probably will never happen. I know absolutely nothing about him. 

I don't know if he's even single for one, but I also have no idea if he's even interested in BDSM or men for that matter. 

~end of Flashback~

So Aaron has just started coming to DOMINIC recently and by himself. I've learned that he is in fact single and obviously into BDSM. I still don't know if he's into guys though. 

Maybe that's because I constantly watch women of all ages flock up to him. Flirt and then take the man upstairs. It's always a different woman and both parties always come back in some sort of disarray. Then the rumors and conversations start about him. 

Protector (HotchxMaleOC) (Book2)Where stories live. Discover now