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Warning: Smut (A/N: not very good smut, but it's in there)


I haven't heard anything from Aaron in a few days. Last I heard he just got back from a case and was on his way to pick Jack up from Jessica's. 

~Are you alright?

Just a check-in, Jacob. Just let him know you're worried but not pushing anything. Hopefully, Jack's okay.

~ Yeah, sorry I haven't messaged/talked to you in a bit. Picking Jack up from Jessica's was a drama-filled ordeal that she won't drop. I've been spending time with Jack and just didn't think about picking up my phone since Jessica's been blowing it up non-stop with accusations and snide comments. 

~ That sounds stressful. 

~It has been. 

~ What do you say to me coming over and helping you to relieve some of that stress?

Just go for it, Jacob. I mean you've just said shit without thinking it through for a good portion of this relationship so far. 

~I'm free. Jack begged to stay the night at Dave's. I guess it's spaghetti night and Dave promised Jack he could help make it the last time he was there. 

~Be there in 20.

I'm thinking full distressed hook-up as long as Aaron wants to of course. Since we've had our first discussion day about the lifestyle, I haven't been able to quench my body's craving for Aaron. My wet dreams running wild. Honestly, I'd like to have sex with him before we jump into a full dynamic. Learn more about myself with Aaron in these conditions. 


Aaron opened the door after I knocked. 

"What are you cooking? It smells delicious."

"Just grilled chicken and white rice." he shrugged walking back to the kitchen. 

I followed sitting at the kitchen island to watch him cook. I can see the tension in his muscles.  

The stiffness. 
He moves like his body is sore.

"Aaron?" I asked worriedly. 

Did something happen?

"Jessica stopped by after you inquired about coming over. She asked to see Jack and when I told her he was at Dave's she blew a gasket. Saying I sent him there on purpose. That I'm turning him against her. Against his mother."

Aaron froze at the stove. His breathing moved his whole upper chest. Showing just how much this affected him. I got up from my spot and went to wrap my arms around his torso. Resting my chin on his shoulder. Giving him silent support. 

From just that action I could feel Aaron relax against me. He lifted his right arm to cup his hand around my head in a grateful gesture. 

"I lost it on her, Jacob. She actually believes she's Jack's mother, not his aunt. It's like after Haley died Jessica lost who she was and instead tried to be her sister. Tried to be this slightly narcissistic mentally and emotionally abusive person. Trying to guilt both Jack and I into this fantasy of hers and when that didn't work she resorts to accusing me. Bullying me. Doing exactly what Haley did to me. Jack can see how much she wears me down. He can see the cracks which is why he told her his stance on everything the last time he was with her. 

I had to make her look at me and listen as I told her what Jack told me. That she's been making him uncomfortable with her comments. Uncomfortable, Jacob! I'd love nothing more than for Jack to still have that connection with his mother's side of the family, truly I would. However, I'm not going to force him to, especially if it's going to make him uncomfortable."

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