Interlude XIV: Through the Looking Glass IV part 3

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Warning: SMUT


We've moved to the bedroom with me sitting in Mac's lap. My hands hold his face as we continue to make out. I could feel his member straining in his jeans. A whine escaped me as he slightly shifted under me. He hummed backing up to look at me and removing one hand from my hips to push some of my hair out of my face. 

"I want you to ride me while splaying your fingers across my throat. I want you to get lost in what you're feeling to the point your hands tighten. I want to feel that tightness around my throat, tangled in my hair. You think you can do that for me, Baby?"

My face feels hot. It's probably already flushed and we haven't truly done anything yet. Mac just told me a fantasy of what he wants. 

"Sweetheart?" He brushed his thumb across my bottom lip allowing me to focus back on him, not slipping too far. 

"I don't want to hurt you." 

"Hey, hey." He cupped my face making sure I held eye contact, "You are not going to hurt me.  Trust me, I'll use my safeword or tap your side harshly if I need to, yeah?"


"Do you want stretched out?" 

"I kinda want to feel the dry stretch. We don't do that often." 

"Alright, Sweetheart." he hummed going back to kissing me. 

Besides I just know this'll lead to a more intense aftercare and that tends to be one of my favorite things we do. The closeness without being intimate all the time. 

I hummed into the kiss shifting up to give me more of a height advantage causing Mac to "fall" backwards on the mattress. His hands moved to pull my shirt over my head and I pulled his off after while also popping the button on his jeans. He lifted his hips grinding his groin against my ass as he removed both his jeans and boxers. Mac broke the kiss surging up to kiss and bite my neck while shoving down the waistband of my pajama bottoms. A moan left my own mouth, eyes fluttering shut when Mac starts sucking on my sweet spot. The fuzz settled nicely in my brain. I worked the best I could with Mac to get my bottoms off. 

Taking a breath, I used one hand to hold Mac at his base and the other braced on his abdomen to balance myself as I sat on his pulsing cock. Groaning and whining as I do so. Mac just lying back, enjoying the view, and once fully seated, I shifted a bit until I was comfortable. Adjusting to the raw and painful stretch. 

"Well look at you."Mac never fails to make me feel loved, especially during sex. He compliments me, gives me praises/guidance, and kisses every part of me that he can get his lips on driving whatever insecurities I have in that moment away. 

Taking a breath, I slowly let my right hand on his stomach glide up his body. Fingers splayed out, settling on his neck. Palm flat over his Adam's apple, allowing me to feel the vibration of his noises and the movement when he swallows.  He moaned immediately somehow getting harder inside of me.

 I fold my body forward. My face hovering over his, my left hand tangling in his hair that's messily lying on the sheets below him. I feel his hands settle into a tight grip on my hips, helping me with balance. I got back to kiss my boyfriend slowly grinding down on him. 


What did I do to deserve Spencer?

He's a sight to see like this. Long legs on either side of my lower half. He himself bent forward. Face level with my own. One hand tangled in my hair while the other is pressed into my throat. His mouth was slightly open. Eyes half closed. Body glistens with sweat as he undulates his hips every which way. Lost in the feeling of us. At a particularly hard drop down onto my cock, nailing right into his prostate, he choked on a moan pulling my hair causing me to tilt my head back while the hand on my throat squeezes slightly sliding up. 

I groan. 

God, I hope I end up with bruises from his hand. If I don't then I swear one day I'll get his fucking handprint tattooed on me in various places.

We're both close. 

Spencer speeds up his movements causing his top half to tilt more into mine. I tighten my grip on his hips guiding his now mindless movements. Chasing his pleasure. I watch him blink and then tighten his hand on my throat applying more pressure where the palm of his hand sits. 

And yeah, this is so much better. 

I began lifting my own hips to meet his. His muscles contracted around me at each hit. Silent moans leave Spencer's gaping mouth until he's right on the edge. 

"M...Mac!" his voice goes up an active or two as he cums all over me. Hot spurts painting my torso/chest. His hands tightened again during his climax and on the last thrust downward I exploded inside him. 

As our breaths evened out, Spencer sat back up jolting me around inside him. He moved his hands to rest on my legs behind him lying his body back slightly. 

"Admiring the picture you painted, Bug?"

"Shut up." He huffed hitting my leg. 

I just laughed. 

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