Interlude VI: Through the Looking Glass III part 1

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Warning: Contains SMUT


"Look at you," I whispered in Spencer's ear. 

We're dancing at DOMINIC. I decided Spencer needed a break. He was so desperate to stay in his subspace the other night that I thought a whole day/night in subspace would be beneficial. He had the day off and I did talk him through it this morning. The relief on his face at the suggestion of being in subspace was one of those images I can't get out of my head. He was so happy. 

I even let him decide what we did this morning. 

No surprise that he wanted to stay in bed and cuddle.

Now he's dressed in a pastel pink cropped sweater, a high-waisted black denim skirt, white knee-high socks, and his white platform high tops. Of course, he had his "signature" leather harness on with the added bonus of some pastel pink leg/sock garters. 

Dancing with no care in the world, looking so carefree and happy in his own skin. He giggled against my throat sharing his happiness.

Then suddenly he stopped moving altogether as he remembered something. 


"I did say I had a surprise planned for you, but we don't  have to explore it now if you want to keep dancing." 

"Please." he all but whined. 

"Please what, Angel? I don't know what you're wanting."

"Surprise, Please."

"Are you sure?"

I made him look me in the eyes. 

"Yes, Sir."

"Alright," I spoke grabbing his hand. 

I led my little submissive up the stairs to level 3. A playroom is needed for this surprise. 

Finding an unlocked unoccupied room I pull Spencer inside making sure to lock the door behind me. I made it to the bed and as I turned around to move him to the bed, I was met with the sight of the top of his head just reaching my waist. 

Spencer had dropped to his knees. Sometimes I still forget how naturally submissive my boy is. When he's so far in his headspace, his safe place from the horrors of his job, he acts on impulse. Instinct. Intuition. 


He looked up at me with big glassy eyes. I wonder if he's imagining what his surprise might be. 


He blinked back into the present. 


"Why don't you come sit on the bed," I stated while patting the mattress for emphasis. 

"Are you sure, Sir?"

I smiled to myself. 

"You don't want to ruin your knee-highs, do you?" 

He shook his head no quickly getting to his feet. I stood behind him placing my hands on his arms, pulling his back towards my chest so that I could whisper in his ear. 

"Besides, it'll be more comfortable to fuck you on the bed. ... Well, unless you want to be fucked on the ground."

A slight growl entered my tone as I finished speaking. My boy's legs gave out, knees buckled, and a whine escaped his throat. 

I tightened my grip on his arms so he didn't hit the ground. 


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