♚ 《Prologue》 ♚

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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named (Y/n) (L/n). She was just your average orphan. She stole for food, begged for money and was always unwanted by everyone. Except, even though everyone in the village she lived in wanted her dead, there were two people who actually cared for her...


Run! Run! Run! 

You chanted in your head. Run? Run from what? Well let's just let the story continue, and you'll find out.

You scurried fast, running as fast as your little legs could carry you. Jim and Luka were ahead of you, also running from the danger that chased after the three of you.

"Get back here, you bloody brats!" The baker yelled furiously. He raised his dough roller high, swinging it violently.

Your feet started to grow tired, and you began to slow down a bit.

"Hurry (Y/n)!" Jim's blonde hair bounced as he ran. He turned his head to face you while still running, you met his ice blue eyes that held a lot of worries. Your soft (E/c) eyes watered in sadness.

"Jim I can't-"

You couldn't finish your sentence because you tripped on a rock. You tried to get up but you fell back down. You had twisted your ankle.


"(Y/n)!" Luka and Alois both stopped to turn around to help you, but you screamed out at them,

"No leave me, he's going to come soon!"

Tears clouded their eyes as they were forced to leave you,

"But (Y/n)! -" Jim started.

"Don't worry we'll meet again! I promise!"

Jim believed your words and nodded, letting his tears fall, as he left you. You tried getting up once more but only fell back to the ground. 

Guess this is my end...

"Hah! I finally caught up with you brat!" The fat baker jogged up to you, taking huge puffs of air in. He picked you up by the collar of your ripped dress, then he raised his dough roller to strike you when suddenly a voice stopped him.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my daughter!" You looked up and saw a man in his late twenties, with shaggy, yet organized brown hair and shimmering emerald eyes.

"Your daughter?! This peasant isn't your child." He swung his dough roller down, and it almost you, but stopped inches from your face.

"If you dare hurt her or I swear your family will be no longer be alive when you return home."

The unknown man glared at the baker. The baker let his guard down for a second and you took this chance to run to the unknown man. Your foot hurt of course, but you ignored it.

"Father!" You clung to him, tears filling your eyes. You knew he wasn't your father, but acting like his child just might be the answer to your problem.

He wrapped one of his arms around you protectively and the baker scoffed. Without a word, he marched off, furious.

The unknown man picked you up gently and started to walk to his carriage. You took a closer look at the man and realized he was one of the rich nobles, that worked for the Queen.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked suddenly, as he placed you in the carriage.

"Home darling." He said as he sat himself across from you in the carriage. He sent you a welcoming smile, to which you stared confused at.

"H-home? I don't understand Mister..."

"Please, call me Father, I'll be the one taking care of you now."

You looked at his face and realized he was sincere. Being the young child you were, you nodded and let him help you.

Though you were now safe from danger, your mind wasn't at ease. The same thought kept clouding your mind...

Where were Jim and Luka?


"LUKAAAA!" Jim held on to his younger brother's limp body. The village behind him laid in ashes, from the fire that had set earlier.

"Please..." Jim said hopelessly.

"Don't leave me...! (Y/n)'s gone and now you're leaving me!!!" Jim yelled out crying endlessly.

===Your p.o.v===

I woke up panting and sweating. That's the third time this week, I've had this dream. I can't help but think what happened to Luka and Jim... It's been almost a year since I've seen them.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned... Then suddenly the door burst open revealing my fiancé and my Father.

"(Y/n)! Happy 9th Birthday!!!"

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