♚ 《27》 ♚ Traitor

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"Milady Midford?" Light questioned as he entered the (L/n) manor. All this time he had been following (Y/n)'s scent and it led to Elizabeth. Not to mention it led him to the own house he serves in.

Sebastian and Claude appeared behind Light, "So it seems we were fooled by her scent as well. " Claude said.

"I suppose we should summon our masters and inform them of our mistake," Sebastian said.

"You are correct." Claude pushed his glasses up,

"Wait! Please come back here when you get Ciel, I want to talk to him!" Lizzy exclaimed.


"Very well, we will return here as soon as we can." Sebastian bowed. He shot one look at Claude, who scoffed in return and they went off.

Sometime Later....

"You failed?!" Ciel yelled at Sebastian.

"Claude... I gave you an order..." Alois seethed furiously, trying to conceal his anger.

"Ciel!" Lizzy started in a run, about to hug Ciel to the floor but he sidestepped resulting in her knocking down Alois.

"Bloody hell..." Alois glared at Ciel, who looked away like he did nothing.

"Oh, my apologies Lord Trancy!" Lizzy stood up and bowed.

"No worries, it wasn't your fault after all." He glared once more at Ciel.

Ciel ignored him and turned his attention towards Sebastian, "Go look for her and don't fail this time. That's an order."

"Yes, milord." He bowed before running off.

"You know what to do Claude." Alois looked at him.

"Yes, your highness."

"Light, would you mind if I stayed here?" Ciel asked.

"It's no problem Lord Phantomhive, my master was very fond of you, you may stay here for as long as you please. Same goes for you Lord Trancy."

"Ciel! Let me stay too! I want to-"

"Lizzy!" Elizabeth turned around and saw her fiance looking at her with a worried expression, 


"I was worried about you! You suddenly disappeared! I thought you were going to come home right away after the wedding, I waited for you at your house... and your brother... he kept interrogating me." Nathan shivered.

"Nathan I..."

"Go Lizzy, this situation is not of your concern. I can assure you (Y/n) will be fine." Ciel grabbed her by the shoulders giving her a reassuring look.

Lizzy looked at her broken-heartedly before giving him a forced smile. "I-I'm sorry Ciel for what I did those months ago...I truly am...but I don't regret it at all. We're just not meant to be and I've now come to realize that. You love (Y/n), you always have since were children."

"Lizzy..." Ciel said.

"Thank you for everything Ciel. Take care of (Y/n), make sure she's safe. She is my best friend after all." Lizzy said before running off with her fiance.

Ciel looked around in the hall realizing he was alone. Alois had left moment earlier,

♕ Somewhere i̶n̶ ̶n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ Else ♕

Angela caressed your cheek as you lay on the church altar. There was a window above you shining light down on you, lighting up the dark church slightly. This church was abandoned, so no one would dare come here,

We finally achieved her. She's now ours."She smiled at the unconscious bride.

"Isn't this great Grey?"She asked her son.

"Yes, it is Angela." He said staring away.

She frowned at him, "Call me Mother, Grey." She said, glaring at him slightly. "Forgive me... I spoke out of place Mother."

"Heh, that's my son!" She cheered instantly.

"Now dear, tell me aren't you happy? One she purifies your father and me, she can be yours and the two of you can take over the underworld together. There will no longer be demons and devils. The world will finally be cleansed."

"Yes..." Grey muttered.

"Grey...." Your voice called out. You blinked at the bright light that shines above you, "What? Where am I" You woke up.

"Mother....let (Y/n) and I speak for a moment please."

"I suppose, but no tricks! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mother."

She nodded and left, leaving the two of you alone.

"How dare you!" You screamed at him, tugging against the chains on your wrists the retained you down on the altar.

"I had to (Y/n) they were all after you!"

"What does that matter?! We were getting married!" You looked down at you white regal wedding dress. You changed your expression, showing sadness rather than anger.

"How could you...?" You teared up, your teardrop falling down onto you sparkly dress.

"You have to understand (Y/n), I need to isolate you from them so your feelings would only be dedicated to me... I want you all to myself..." he traced his fingers against your soft cheeks.

"That's nothing but selfishness speaking! W-What happened to you Grey? What made you like this? What changed...?" You broke down, tears falling rapidly down onto your dress as you looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"You're what changed me (Y/n). This craving, this love I have for you. It made me want you so much, that I just couldn't help myself. The infatuation was unbearable. At first I was forced to do this, but now I do it with free will..."

"No... no... don't say that Grey. Don't tell me you're a traitor... no...no! At l-least lie to me and say you were forced to do this or something... I can't bear knowing you're the one doing this to me... please...." You broke down.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but it's the truth, and it was all out of love."

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