♚ 《21》 ♚I love you

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^^^^Your P.o.v^^^^

I woke up the next day earlier than the time I normally wake up. I snuck out of bed to my room and changed into a plain black dress.

After I was done changing I was about to leave the room to go to the library, only for Alois to barge through the door.

"(Y/n)! I thought you left me!" He tackled me down to the bed.


Seems these past years have been so rough, that it has made Alois bipolar.

"Relax Alois, I just moved two bedrooms away from you," I said trying to calm him down.

Alois has grown very possessive over the years. He also doesn't seem to be in control of his emotions.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)! You probably hate me! You're going to leave me now? Aren't you!" Alois said tears threatening to spill.

"No, no, no, you're overreacting I'm not leaving Alois, I'm always going to be here." I said, patting his head like a child.

"You're just saying that. The second I let go of you, you're going to run out the door."

Tears began to run down his eyes like a waterfall.

Oh dear...and to think he's sixteen...

"Alois. I love you, we're family, I'm not going to leave you." Alois's mournful expression was quickly replaced with a happy one.

___ Alois P.o.v___

"Alois. I love you, we're like family, I'm not going to leave you." 

Like family? You love me like family, well (Y/n) I'll be sure to change that. I'll make sure you only love me. Love my heart, body, and soul... No one will take you from me ever. You'll never leave me.

"I love you too (Y/n)!" I said smiling.

^^^^ (Y/n)-chan's P.o.v^^^^
I hugged Alois gently. I truly loved him like a brother, I only want the best for him.

"Let's go eat breakfast (Y/n)," Alois said dragging me downstairs.

"Wait don't you need to change?" I asked

" Oh yeah, I'll be right back." Alois ran upstairs to change, while I went into the dining room to eat breakfast.

I sat there patiently, and in came two butlers with food. Alois was seated in front of me playing with the fork. Light and Claude placed down everything on the table with ease.

"Hannah pour us tea," Alois said coldly.

"Yes your highness," she replied. Hannah then poured the tea into our teacups. I looked at Hannah observing her face. She was definitely a demon, but she had a bandage covering her other eye. Can't demons heal fast?

"(Y/n) are you okay? You're dozing off."

"Oh yes, I'm quite fine," I said starting to eat my food.

After breakfast, Alois and I took a walk in his garden. Talking about random things. Alois was complaining about how much work he has and I started to space out. Again.

I started to think back to when I first met Alois. I was one of the poor kids in the village. Everyone hated me, wanted me dead. It's not my fault I was born with no one. Alone since birth...

But all that changed because of him.


** Years Prior... **

It was a cloudy day, rain was going to be coming soon. I haven't had food in days and rain was coming.

"I'm going to die today aren't I?"

I had given up completely. I had no memory of any parents. All I knew was I lived in an orphanage for a couple years until the orphanage was torn down and made into shops. I started to travel around until I ended up in this village.

"I give up." I saw my younger self say.

"I'm going to die here in this dark alleyway, and no one in this world will know.." I cried quietly to myself.

Just when I thought my world was crumbling down into pieces, he changed my whole world.

"You shouldn't give up so easily." a voice said. I looked up and saw a blonde boy with bright sky blue eyes. I could never forget how kindly he looked at me with those brilliant sky-eyes.

His eyes that could fill anyone with the utmost determination, his aura was so bright it made me feel hope.

Behind him was a younger boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He had a happy, warm expression, filling me with reassurance.

"But I have nothing..." I said quietly.

"Not anymore! You have us!" the younger boy said smiling wide.

"That's right! You can stay with us!" The blonde boy said cheerfully.




You have us!

𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 || 𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬 ||Where stories live. Discover now