♚ 《11》 ♚ I promise

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 "P-promise me (Y/n)... p-promise you won't ever leave me again!" Alois said, holding on to you as if his life had depended on it.

"I promise." You said, ridding of the tears in your eyes.

"(Y/n)!!!!" Two voices said in unison, entering the garden.

You saw Grey and Lizzy entering the garden with Ciel not too far behind them, "Eh? What happened here?" Grey said.

"Just a little reunion." You said standing up, dusting off the dirt on my dress. Jim stood up and stared at you with a smiled, "Call me Alois, (Y/n)."


Without hesitation, Alois grabbed your hand and led you back into the ballroom Grey glared at the two of you, deciding whether he should stop you or not.

The moment we entered the room, whispers among people rose and you were able to make out a couple chatters.

"Are they engaged? They walked in holding hands and their costumes are matching!"

"No I heard mistress (L/n) was engaged to Lord WhiteSilver."

"Who knows! Maybe their engagement is off!"

"Please! Have you seen the way he looks at her? There's no way their engagement is off."

The gossiping came to an end when Alois led you down for the center of the ballroom.

You looked at Alois nervously and he smiled at you like he knitwear everything would go smoothly.

Somewhere within the free room, you felt Grey and Lights eyes stare you down, these two both knew you sucked dearly at dancing.

"Alois I'm not very good at dancing." You whispered.

"Don't worry princess, just follow my lead."


"Princess (Y/n)!!! Look what we got!!!" Luka came into our secret hideout which was just an abandoned shed.

In his arms were a loaf of bread and a couple apples.

"Wow! Where did you get it from?" I asked walking up to them.

Before anyone could respond, Jim took notice of the bruise on your head.

"Who the hell did this to you (Y/n)!!!" Jim threw the bottle he had in his arms on the floor in anger.

"Calm down Jim... it was the old farmer down the road, he told me to shoo off his farm, and I refused so he threw a rock at me." I replied.

"(Y/n)..." A dark look came upon Jim as the stared at the floor.

"People like that deserve to die," Jim said.

In the moment I was surprised by his malicious statement, but it didn't affect me.

"Don't worry your highness! All the bad people like that will die!!" Luka said cheerfully hugging Jim from behind leaving the food off to the side.

I joined in on their hug and hugged Alois from the front.

"Do you really think all the bad people will die one day?"

"Of course your highness," I said.


"What do you say, Princess, will you let me have this dance?"

"Of course your highness." I smiled, causing a wide grin to come over Alois. Gracefully the two of us took the floor, leaving the guests in awe. I don't recall ever being good at dancing, but for some reason with Alois, it felt okay. I wasn't messing up at all.

The song ended and Alois kissed the back of your hand. You could feel a couple tears drop from his eyes onto your hand.


"Sorry (Y/n)... it's just that when you called me your highness, it reminded me of Luka... Please excuse me for now."

Reminded him of Luka? Where is Luka? What happened to him.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Grey's voice behind me.

"Oh Grey-" He suddenly, came to you and placed a soft but quick kiss on your lips. "You're mine okay? We're going to be married one day!" He said desperately and looked at me with a scared look.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Of course Grey."

Grey hugged me without hesitation and people stared. "I wish my engagement was like that." I heard people gossip.

Beginning to feel nervous with all the eyes around me I excused myself, "I need to use the bathroom Grey, so if you would excuse me." I curtsied and left the ballroom. The moment I was alone I took a deep breath.

My moments of silence were taken however, for I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked over to the side and saw a black haired butler with yellow eyes.

"Hello," I said slowly. I knew in an instant this guy wasn't human. He gives off the same aura as Sebastian.

"Good evening Milord (L/n)." He said.

"Are you the head butler here?" I asked.

"Indeed I am, I am the Claude Faustus Milady." He bowed down.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, would you mind telling me where the bathroom is?"

"Down the hall to the left." He said.

~ After time ~

The party had come to end and I was about to leave out the door when Alois came running down the stairs. "Wait (Y/n)!"

"Alois-woah!" He tripped on the last stair and fell onto me. Luckily I didn't go tumbling to the floor.

"What's wrong Alois?" I asked?"

"Y-You promised you wouldn't leave." He said, sounding disappointed.

"Well I'm not leaving forever, I'll come visit you next week," I said.

"Alright, pinky promise me." He said.

I chuckled a bit and hooked pinkies with him. As our hands parted, he engulfed me in one more hug.

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