♚ 《24》 ♚Marriage

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𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡.𝕠.𝕧

As the months went on it was finally time for that moment; the moment you would walk down the aisle dressed in all white. Today also just so happened to be your birthday as well. Your 16th birthday.

You stood in front of the mirror, getting your makeup done with many maids behind you running back and forth arranging your dress and Lizzy was there too. Jumping up and down in excitement.

After the incident with Ciel, Lizzy was married off to another man. She was married to a man named "Nathaniel Charleston Manning" He was a year older than her and seemed fairly nice. A little on the quiet side though. They were getting married next year.

"Oh, my gosh!!!!" Lizzy bounced happily, unable to contain her excitement.

You, however, were quite mixed about this wedding. You felt like something bad was going to happen. It was just your superstition, but your mind refused to push the feeling away. Being in the position you were in, however, there was no going back.

"Are you ready for this (Y/n)?!" Lizzy asked, running up to you.



You stopped for a moment and remembered what happened two days ago. Ciel had come to see you.


"(Y/n)!" I heard his all too familiar voice behind me.

"Ciel..." I whispered his name.

He ran up to me and pulled me into an embrace. "Ciel what are you-"

"Don't do this (Y/n). Don't marry Grey. Be with me instead. We can get our revenge together... I know you're confused about everything (Y/n)... but please don't marry Grey." Ciel said in a pleading tone.

"Ciel...you know I can't...." You cupped his face, bringing him closer.

"If that's the case, then one more time..." He muttered.

"One more time? What do you mean?"

"One last kiss..." He said as he captured your lips with his He moved his lips with yours in perfect sync as you responded back. You deepened the kiss, and, brought him closer to you. You knew too well, this was wrong. This was worse than what Lizzy did to you. But you couldn't hide your feelings for him any longer.

"Ciel..." You said into the kiss, running your fingers through his smooth, navy blue hairs.

It didn't help that the next day Alois had also come to see you.

"(Y/n)!~" His voice chimed entering your office.

"Alois..." You turned to him, looking up from the list of guests that would be attending your wedding tomorrow.

"I came to kidnap you!~" He said happily with a smile on his face. "Is that so?" You said standing up.


"If that's the case, then go ahead." You said opening my arms to him displaying a bright smile on my face.

Alois blushed a little and pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly, "If only I could really do that...maybe I should really kidnap you." He whispered.

"Maybe you should." You responded, burying your face in his chest.

"I'm guessing that Phantomhive brat came to visit you yesterday?" Alois caressed your hair.

You didn't respond. You only kept silent in his grasp. You were lost. At first, you didn't care about who you married. All you cared for was your revenge and getting your brother back.

"What should I do?" You asked Alois.

"You should be with me (Y/n), we can go far away from here," Alois said.

"No... I can't run from this Alois." You said.

I would never run from my problems because that just causes more problems

"If that's how you're going to be then..." Alois kissed you on the lips, possessively, kissing you with expertise as before.

You tangled your fingers in his hair as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. "Mmm..." You moaned through the kiss. Something about him made you want more. It only mixed your emotions more than it should. You knew there was something you felt for him.

As this went on you were the first to pull back. "Alois...y'know...sometimes I wish we were never separated, to begin with. We probably wouldn't be as rich as we are now, but at least we'd be together."

"Yeah... You, me and Luka," Alois said, as he ran his fingers through your hair.

⊕ Second Person P.o.v [Present Time]⊕

"Ciel!" Alois ran over to Ciel who was staring out the window of his room dejectedly. Ciel turned and saw the blonde aristocrat.

"What the hell do you want?" Ciel turned his gaze back to the window.

"It's (Y/n) she-"

"Yeah, she's getting married later today..." Ciel said in a solemn tone.

"Yes, to an angel!"

"What?! Since when did you hear this?!" Ciel shouted, alarmed.

"I commanded Claude to kill him months ago when we went to his manor! He told me himself!" Alois said.

"There's no way! I would have known! I've known him since before I met Sebastian... there's no way!"

"Are you willing to take that chance? She's in trouble Ciel! And he's a lot stronger than a demon, that's why I came to you." Alois confessed.

"Tch, why the hell did it take so long?"

"Oh shut up! At least I came! Now there's no more time! We have to go!"

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