♚ 《31》 ♚

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Second Person P.o.v

"Nghhh..." You shifted around in your bed and rolled over. You felt a presence at your side. Reluctantly you opened your eyes and you saw your little brother all cuddled up in the blankets. His white hair fell over his eyes, as he breaths were soft and slow.

"Yosuke..." You ran your fingers through his hair, moving it away from his face.

An unbearable pain shot out throughout your body and you rolled over to the floor, landing in a thud. "Ughh..."

You stood up but only collapsed down to your knees. That pain was coming from your back. You brought your hand up to your back and felt something there. Something soft. You limped your way over to the mirror and stared in awe...

"Wings..." You muttered.

Large white feathers arched upwards sparkled in the moonlight. You tried to move them, and it worked but you felt a slight pain.

"He was right, I was an angel...Grey...you..."

"Master..." Light suddenly appeared behind you, with a disheartening, solemn look on his face. It was far different than how Light usually was.


"I think it's about time I explain things to you."

"Not here. Take us somewhere else. Yosuke is asleep." I said, looking up at his glowing red eyes, that glowed in the dim moonlight.

"Very well then." Light picked me up bridal style and started to take me to the library.

My favorite place...

Once we reached the room he set me down on the loveseat near one of the shelves. A brief memory of Grey swept through my mind, as I remembered that one fateful day.o

"I want to hear it all, start from the beginning."

"I knew you were The Prophet Angel from the very start. I was ordered by the demon king to take watch over you and make sure you wouldn't overthrow the underworld. So I came to the idea of creating a contract with you. Therefore I could be near you without any suspicion. And once we've completed the contract I would've killed you. Not eat your soul, for angels do not have souls. They are spirits."

" I see, but you've failed to fulfill your contract, what do you plan to do now?" I asked.

He paused for a second, not knowing how to answer.

"Kill me? If that's the case, I don't care. But that's such a cowardly thing for you to do. You didn't even fulfill my revenge. You let other people kill them Light. You failed me." I glared coldly down at him, piercing him with my gaze.

"I know...that's why I plan to serve you till the very end. You are an angel so you have far longer lifespan than any human."

"I respect your decision, now let me ask you one more thing," I said. He got down on one knee and placed a hand over his heart, and lowered his head.

"Yes, master?"

"Is there anything else you haven't told me, if so then tell me now."

"Well, Lord Phantomhive and Lord Trancy... are actually demons."

"What?!" You looked at him astonished. "How?" You asked.

"Well three years ago the two of them got in a dispute, including there demons and it didn't very end so well for them. They both refused to lose to one another, so you could say it ended in a 'draw' after they had cursed each other to the forms of demons."

"I see..."

"So you know now," Ciel said appearing behind Light, along with Alois standing beside him.

"I guess it's time, to be honest with you (Y/n). All those talks of achieving revenge. It wasn't true. I simply enjoyed being with you so I used that as a topic of bringing the two of close to each other. I received my revenge a long time ago." Ciel confessed.

"Hah! I never lied to you (Y/n)! Not like Ciel here!" Alois said, sticking his tongue at Ciel.

"So it's true then...the two of you are demons?" I looked up at them. The pain in my wings faded and I extended them out.

"Yes, it's true. We're demons."

"I'm sorry we had to hide it from you (Y/n), but please try to understand that there was no possible way we could tell you..." Alois trailed, looking down a bit.

You laughed a bit and smiled.

The two of them stared at you, wondering what was running through your mind, " It's okay. I don't mind. I don't mind at all. Actually knowing that you're a demon actually fills me with joy."

You gave him a closed eye smile.

"Now I know that you and I can truly live together in happiness...so I think it's finally time I say this."

"I'm in love with you..."


Thank you for staying by my side throughout this story. This was the very first book I've written, and it means a lot that you're reading this (Y/n). Thank you for reading, you'll reach your happy ending soon...m

- мαѕTєя

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