♚ 《30》 ♚ Truth Revealed

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  "I should've known I can't win against the two of you." 

"What do you mean?" Alois asked.

"I don't know why, but when it comes to either one of you, I feel like I'm being pulled in constantly by you. Like I can't control myself. I feel my heart races faster and faster by the second and I just can't get a hold of my emotions." I confessed chuckling a bit.

"*Ahem*" I turned around and saw Grey.

"Oh, you're still alive? Light today just seems not to be your day..." I muttered, growling at him slightly.

"Forgive me, milady I will face whatever punishments you see suitable." He bowed in a perfect ninety-degree angle.

"Please, I think serving me for the rest of my existence is enough punishment." I rolled my eyes.

"Human lives are considered quite short for demons." Claude cut in pushing his glasses up.

"Yeah, especially compared to Reaper lives," Ronald added.

"Is that so? Then maybe I should think of a suitable punish-"

"You're not human (Y/n)," Grey said plainly, his ocean blue meeting my scowling (e/c) orbs.


"You're a prophet (Y/n). The purest angel, that is said to be able to revert fallen angels back to their previous glorious form. You're said to be able to overthrow the underworld and rid of all demons. You were said to be able to cleanse the world."

"Is that so? I don't seem to have any wings."

"You don't yet." He smirked.

"I'm tired of hearing your rubbish. Light kill him and don't fail this time." I said. Yosuke gripped on to me, "He...I thought he was good sis..." His green eyes filled with sadness and tears.

"He's not... trust me." I pulled him into my arms. He nodded obediently.

"Yes, Master." Light's eyes turned red, and he snatched Grell's chainsaw out of his grasp. "Hey!" Grell turned his gaze away from Sebastian. Sebastian chuckled softly and Grell beamed. "Oh, Bassy! Why must you be so sexy?!~"

Light went charging at Grey who hadn't moved a centimeter. The Chainsaw went straight through him, but didn't kill him instantly. Grey hadn't even tried on dodging even though clearly could. Wonder why...

"Funny...I remember you saving me a couple months ago." Grey smiled at Light.

He turned his gaze to me, "I'll always love you (Y/n)...In the next life, I swear...I'll do things right..." His memories began to play and we saw it all like a movie.

"The next life?"

"Senpai?" Ronald looked at Grell.

Grell opened his book of people. "He's right...he's due for reincarnation in the twenty-first century."

《Second Person P.o.v》

"I don't care. Let's just go home now." Your body had still ached, from all the tortuous acts in the past few days,

"Claude prepare some carriages to (Y/n)'s manor," Alois commanded.

"Yes, your highness."

Your vision went blurry for a split second, and then you felt a throbbing pain in your back and your head. " Ugh..." You dropped to your knees and Yosuke grabbed your arm, "Sis!"

"Light Picked you up bridal style and Yosuke looked up at him. "Don't worry young Master, my mistress will be fine."

He pouted and grabbed on to his tailcoat, "Okay Mister..."

Light strolled out of the run-down church to the carriage that was waiting for them.

"Who are you, Mister?" Yosuke asked.

"I am one of your servants young Master, you may ask for anything you wish." Light responded placing (Y/n) into the carriage, beside Alois.

"Up you go." Light lifted Yosuke into the carriage,

"Anything I want?"


"I want a puppy!" He smiled wide.

"Then a puppy is what you'll receive young master." Light smiled and shut the carriage door.

"Yosuke, come sit on my lap, you might fall off the seats during turns," Ciel commanded the little child.

"Ciel! Yosuke hugged Ciel, jumping onto his lap.

Ciel ruffled his hair and returned the hug, "It's been a while hasn't it?"

"*Ahem*" Alois who sat on the other side of the carriage interrupted. He looked at Yosuke with a smile, "Why hello there, I'm Alois Trancy. I'm one of your sister's friends." He offered a handshake.

"Hi! I'm Yosuke!" Yosuke shook it happily.

Ciel glared at Alois.

"Nghhhh..." You groaned, shifting over, placing your head on Alois's lap. Alois held you and ran his fingers through your hair.

"Wow! You and sis must be super best friends!" Yosuke exclaimed.

"Oh, we're a little more than super best friends—"

"Silence." Ciel glared.

"Ciel..." Yosuke looked at his face., "Why are you still playing pirate?" He pointed at his eyepatch.

"Well erm.. You see..." Ciel thought of a good excuse,

"I've become an actual pirate now."

Alois stifled a laugh and Ciel glared at him to shut up.

"NO WAY!" Yosuke exclaimed.

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