♚ 《28》 ♚ Kiss me

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How long has it been since I was kidnapped? Weeks? Months? No... It may have felt that way with all that torture, but it's only been days. And if I counted right, three days.

I looked down at my worn up-ripped, bloody wedding dress. His love is a lie. I don't believe in Grey. He's a traitor and that's all he'll ever be. I should've listened to them. Ciel, Alois. They were right all along.

If only I wasn't so foolish.

"Hello (Y/n) dear!~" Ash came in with a complacent smile plastered on his face.

I hope you rot.

"Now, now, dear no need to glare! Today's the final day! After today's session, your true powers will be unleashed!"

"Angela dear, come here will you!" Ash called out.

"Coming love." I heard her smooth voice.

I instantly glared at her. "Where's my brother?!"

She smirked at me and laughed shortly, "Honey...we've been over this. Your brother is dead."


[From Chapter One]

Soft knocks were at your door. "Come in!" You put your hairbrush down and looked towards the door. Your Father walked in with a bright smile.

"Oh good, I just wanted to see if you were still awake! Stay here, I'll get your birthday present!"

With that, your Father retreated back into the hallway. You went back to brushing your hair, humming quietly to yourself.

Then suddenly loud cries of terror and screams were heard. Your eyes widened and you burst out your room. In the halls were the dead bodies of servants. Their blood pooled all along the hall. The lights had also gone out, so the only light in the manor was the moonlight that shined through the windows.


Another loud scream was heard, and you recognized to be Yosuke. You ran past the dead bodies that crowded the halls, in the direction you heard his scream. Slightly slipping on the blood, you fell to the floor in the living room.

You got up quickly and saw a woman with white hair. Her back was facing towards you so you couldn't see her face. She held Yosuke over her shoulder and looked like she was going to jump out the window.

"S-sis!" Yosuke reached his arms to you, desperate to stay out of kidnappers hold.

"Yosuke!" You quickly got up, starting to run to him, but the woman jumped out. She sprouted wings and flew away.


✧Current Time✦

"You filthy liar! I'll kill you!"

"Light! I command you to-" Your seal appeared for just a second until he muffled your mouth with a small towel.

"Oh dear, I think we should go on with this last procedure, the awakening should come along soon."

"I agree," Angela said, tracing her knife over my arms.

"Mmmphh!!!!" I thrashed against the chains that held me down. I felt a sharp pain in my neck as they injected me with some serum.

I felt everything start to blur as everything went to black.




"Nnnnn...." I groaned out.

"(Y/n)!" I shot my eyes open and looked up, I squinted my eyes in frustration. The moonlight was shining down on me through the window above the altar.

"Grey, what the hell do you want?"I asked.

"Now that's not very nice, I brought someone here for you dear."

"I don't give a damn." I looked away.

"Hm? What if I said this person has something to do with your contract, someone you wanted to get back."

You glanced at him questionably, "Yosuke?" He smirked, "Correct."

"Where?! Let me see him!" I shouted, thrashing against the chains the kept me down on the altar. Despite the extreme pain, I felt everywhere I kept going.

"Kiss me then," Grey said.

"Tch..." I glared.

"If you're going to be that way then I may as well leave."He turned his back about to leave the church when I called him back.

"Wait! I'll do it."

"Say that again." He turned around and walked up to me so that we were inches apart.

I looked up to him, "I'll kiss you."

"Say that you want to kiss me." He commanded.

"Grey... I want to kiss you."

"Good girl." He pressed his lips against mine and I returned it.

This kiss was far different than the ones we shared before. Before, they were always innocent and sweet, or either passionate and long.

This kiss felt more forced. Obviously, but it was filled with nothing but false love.

He pulled back and moved his head down to my neck. He licked my warm skin and spread butterfly kisses everywhere.

"Stop it! I gave you what you wanted!" I tried pulling away.

He sighed. "I suppose so... Yosuke come in!" He shouted.

The door opened and there he was.

White hair.

Green eyes.

Pale skin.

It was Yosuke.

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