♚ 《26》 ♚ I do

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"It's not too late. Light You go after your Master. Sebastian and Claude will make sure, no one here remembers seeing that. We'll also take care of... them." He referred to Ash and Angela

Light nodded and ran off.

"He's right Claude, erase everyone's memory."

"Yes, your highness," Claude said before getting to work. Ciel looked around and noticed Lizzy was missing too.

"Sebastian capture them!" Ciel pointed at Ash and Angela.

"Yes, milord." His eyes glowed red.

Claude had evacuated everyone and erased their memories with ease, so he was here too. " You know what to do Claude."

Claude nodded. Instantly the two launched their butter knives at the angels, successfully stabbing them in the chests.

"You know such things won't harm us!~" Ash said insanely laughing.

"Yes, but if we manage to cut your head off, that would be a different story wouldn't it?" Sebastian smirked.

"Oh, and you plan on doing it with such knives? No, I don't think so!" Ash launched a fencing sword at Sebastian, but Sebastian didn't move an inch.

Right before the fencing sword could stab him, the loud roar of the chainsaw was heard. Grell smiled wide and deflected the sword.

"Hello, Bassy!" Grell said.

"Ahhh, I knew you'd arrive," Sebastian said, aiming more knives at Ash.

"YAHOO!! Ronald Knox is here!" Ronald burst through the door and aimed his death scythe at Angela.

"What are reapers doing here?" Claude asked as he stabbed Angela multiple times while running to dodge her attacks.

"These angels were in the way of a couple of our jobs previously, so we were given permission to eliminate them," Ronald answered.

"So it seems. " Ciel remarked.

Alois remained quiet and kept staring at the spot where you were taken. "It's just like before..." He muttered to himself, still in tears.

Flashes of you being taken from the baker swept through his mind. "Why...?" He dropped to his knees and wept.

Ciel looked at him and kicked him in the knee slightly, "Quit being a crybaby, we're going to get her back. This isn't over." Ciel rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, like you know anything about losing people," Alois responded, burying his face in his arms.

Ciel rolled his arms once more, "Trust me, I know what it's like."

Alois didn't bother to respond. He kept his tears flowing as the battle in front of him progressed.

"Ash we should go now. There's no use wasting our time here." Angela said, back-flipping in the air dodging another knife that went flying towards her.

"Heh, I suppose you're right."

Ash and Angela jumped backward and flew out the broken window.

"After them!" Ciel ordered.

"You too Claude, go get (Y/n) back! That's an order!" He stuck out his tongue.

"Same to you Sebastian, that's an order!" Ciel took off his eyepatch, revealing his seal.

The grim reapers chuckled at the following display and followed the demons out.

♙Grey's P.o.v ♙

I held her in my arms on the inside of the top floor on top in the Big Ben, as the hours went by. If My plan went out successfully Light should have been led somewhere else. Lizzy to be precise.I looked down at (Y/n) whose breaths were quiet and slow. She was more beautiful than usual today. We were to be married today, but the plan always comes first.



I heard her say their names. I furrowed my brows in frustration. I always knew she was in love with them. She's quite well at masking her emotions, but I know her better than anyone else.

"Grey..." I heard her mutter my name in my sleep.

"Everything's going to be okay love." I pecked her forehead.

"Grey..." She said my name again.

Was she awake? There's no way.

"Yes?" I asked, feeling uneasy about whether she was conscious or not.

"I do."

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