♚ 《14》 ♚ Day 1

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"Oh, looks like you've beaten me, Ciel." I said.

"Seems I have," Ciel smirked, keeping his eyes on Grey. "Why are you looking at me like that Ciel? It's weird."

"Hm? No reason." Ciel looked away quickly.

"Well erm, it's time for lunch.." Grey said looking down.

"Alright." I replied shortly, before standing up and leaving everyone else to follow my tracks.

"Hey- what's the hurry (Y/n)? "Lizzy caught up with me.

"Nothing," I replied in a short monotone. That was far too close. Ciel and I almost got caught. I know it's bad to be doing this, but doing that with him felt so right, as cheesy as it sounds. 

I couldn't control myself you could say, being with him like that is something I enjoy, and maybe not even just that. Just being around him makes me feel that way. I don't know what to call it, but I know this feeling means trouble.

I entered the dining room and saw a lot of food laid out on the table, the servants laid side by side smiling at us. "Enjoy the meal!" Mey-rin, Finnian, and Bard said in sync.

Light and Sebastian kept their plastic smiles but remained silent.

~~~ Half an Hour Before~~~

"I insist we cook some Vongole Bianco pasta with light garlic and clams on the side," Sebastian said.

"Ahh, but I believe that we should cook Orecchiette pasta with Alfredo sauce along with white-breast chicken on the side. I'm sure it will suit everyone's taste far better." Light said.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "Please, in fact, why don't you take a break Light, you aren't a servant here, perhaps you should be off tending to your masters needs instead of  being here."

Bard, Mey-rin, and Finnian backed up a little sensing some tension between the two butlers. During their game of twenty-one questions, the three of them had grown close to Light, as everyone would of course. He was perfect.

"That would defeat the purpose of Lady Elizabeth's gathering of all the Masters." Light shot back, keeping his cool, but a little ticked off at Sebastian.

"Well, then consider this a gift from me. I'll let you have a break! I'll take care of dinner and you can relax! We have a dog you know, maybe you can play with him." Sebastian said.

Light's eyes lit up at the sound of dogs. He loved dogs with all his heart. "You have a dog?"

"Indeed we do, Pluto!" Sebastian called.

A man with silver hair and a suit came in with a collar on. He came running in on all fours.

"A demon-hound is different than a dog." Light said, ruffling Pluto's hair. Pluto's placed his 'paws' on Light's knees, and panted in happiness.


"Sebastian I'm not stupid. You are trying to find a way to steer me away from my butler duties."

"W-why don't we just do both?" Finnian suggested.

Sebastian and Light thought about it, "I suppose we could." Sebastian said.

"Yes, I guess so."

~~~~ Present Time ~~~~~

You all ate quietly among each other when, Lizzy interrupted the silence with a question shot towards me and Ciel, "So how was your chess game?" She asked with a smile.

I felt her glance at Grey, every now and then growing nervous. Did they suspect us? Did they know?

"It was just a game of chess, nothing too interesting," Ciel said to her face, lying like a pro.

"Yes, indeed," I replied shortly still eating my pasta. Elizabeth kept glancing over to Grey and I looked deeper into it. What's this? She's blushing. Don't tell me she's in love with Grey.

Grey had still remained uncomfortable and nervous in his chair, eating his food slowly. Just when I thought the silence was about to continue, Grey stood up and shouted, "I can't take it anymore! Lizzy and I were eavesdropping on you two!"

Ciel and I looked at each other, in slight panic but remained calm. Elizabeth stood up also and frowned as well. Ciel and I only remained quiet and listened to what the two had to say.

There was no way we were caught... I would have known-

"We couldn't hear it quite clearly, but you guys said you were both going to die." Grey said.

I chuckled lightly and the two looked at me. "It was a figure of speech you fools. We're not actually going to die." I covered up smoothly.

Lizzy and Grey sighed in relief and sat back down. Ciel chuckled lightly, "Of course the two of you would misinterpret something like that."

"Geez Ciel, don't have to be so mean!" Grey pouted. Ciel rolled his eyes playfully. After we all had finished dinner I stood up to go to the library in the manor.

"H-hey where are you going?!" Grey chased after me.

"The library," I replied shortly walking fast.

Grey caught up with me and intertwined his fingers with mine, "I'll come with you." He gave me a closed eye smile.

I nodded and felt a little guilt well up within me. I don't know how to feel about anything anymore. I don't regret doing what I did with Ciel because I feel something inside for him... I just don't know what it is.

We entered the library and looked through Ciel's books and found one interesting. It was "(B/n)" I took the book and sat down on the sofa that was in the library. Grey smiled to himself and sat down beside me leaning his head on my shoulder as I read.

After around seven minutes of reading, I stopped to see how bored Grey was. "Grey you are bored." I said bluntly.

"N-no I'm not!" He said.

"Don't argue, I know you far too well." I shut the book closed the set off to the side,"What would you rather do?" I asked.

"Well talk maybe...-uh... Spend quality time together? We're going to be married next year when we're sixteen (Y/n). I just want to make sure you're happy with me." He blushed a little.

Most people would not get married around the age of sixteen, but since I am a noblewoman, without a spouse, I am often seen as lower by other nobles.

The guilt inside me started to overflow, but I showed no signs of it on my face. "I'm happy with you Grey. You don't have to worry about that." I said reassuringly.

He sighed in relief and a smile instantly took over his face. He leaned in and pecked my lips for a quick second.

"That makes me so happy (Y/n)!" He enveloped me in a hug and I returned it. "So you said you just wanted to chat? Let's do that then." I said.

"Let's walk in the garden! It'll be better!" He grabbed my head and dragged me to the garden.


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