♚ 《9》 ♚ Fallen Angel

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Entering the church, you realized it was completely empty. Silently you all walked down the aisle to the front of the church, where the priests would normally stand to preach their prayers.

You went behind one of the stands and stood on the carpet.

You rubbed your chin in thought and looked at the carpet. You walked across it back in forth, realizing the sound of footsteps changed as you walked near the middle part of the rug.

In thought, you walked back to the middle part and stomped your foot on the ground. "This part is hollow." You concluded

"Sebastian remove the rug," Ciel said.

As usual, Sebastian complied with his commands and underneath it was a trapdoor. Light opened the trapdoor and Sebastian entered first, for safety. Ciel, you and Light followed after and saw two women casually sharpening knives.

&&& Your P.o.v &&&

One of them had long platinum blonde hair and dark red eyes. Except, the gaze in her eyes made it look like she was under control. She held a lifeless look on her face as she continued to sharpen the knife as if we weren't there. Instantly I recognized her to be Charasmine

The other woman looked at us and gave us a malicious smile. She was dressed in all white and had white hair and purple eyes. She looked nothing like Eclair... Wait actually, she looks familiar...

↕ Flashback↕

The night I lost everything... It was her... she caused this. She took my brother... She killed my father...

You got up quickly and saw a woman with white hair. Her back was facing towards you so you couldn't see her face. She held Yosuke over her shoulder and looked like she was going to jump out the window.

"S-sis!" Yosuke reached his arms to you, desperate to stay out of kidnappers hold.

"Yosuke!" You quickly got up, starting to run to him, but the woman jumped out. She sprouted wings and flew away.

"YOSUKE!!!" You cried out running up to the window. Slowly, the woman and Yosuke were out of sight and you cried. The woman had white hair and was dressed in all white. That was all you were able to see.

↕ Present Time ↕

"You bastard!" I yelled out angrily at her.

She kept a cool smile and spoke calmly to me. "Oh (Y/n)!~ You have no idea how long I've been waiting to see you again."

You glared icily at her. " Give back my brother."

"Oh, you mean Yosuke? I think not dear!~ Now now, come with me dear, it's time for me to purify you!"

"Light murder her," I said simply as my contract appeared in my left eye.

With ease, Light whipped out some rose gold silverware. He threw the butter knife as it were a knife at the woman, but she dodged with humane speed.

"Minion kill them, but leave my dear (Y/n) alive."

"Yes Master." She replied like a broken doll, before dropping her knife sharpener.

She threw her knife towards Ciel and Sebastian moved in front of Ciel and almost caught the knife between his fingers when Light beat him to it.

"You'll have to be better than that Michaelis." Light said tauntingly.

Sebastian smirked before appearing behind Charasmine and knocking her out. "Better you say? I've already caught one of the culprits Kirame." Sebastian said his last name in the same tone Light had used his.

As this happened you approached the white-haired woman slowly but kept your distance. She was on the ladder just about to leave when she looked back at you.

"Just who the hell are you?" You glared.

"Angela dear, don't forget me."

Suddenly Angela's features changed into one of Eclairs. The woman we had researched earlier. She quickly pulled herself up into the church and shut the trapdoor.

"Sebastian after her!" Ciel commanded. "Yes, your highness," Sebastian said as he handed Charasmine over to Light.

Sebastian went up the ladder into the church and all trace of her was gone.

"Master it appears she's gone, shall I track her further on from here?"

"No, judging from her transformation of appearance she isn't human, we'll just have to turn in Charasmine for now."

"I agree. "You said timidly looking at the floor in lost.

"I am not aware of what happened to you in the past years (Y/n) but I know whatever you're feeling you will be able to face it. You're strong."

"Thank you, Ciel." You smiled at him, your contract seal disappearing from your eye.


After turning in Charasmine it was decided you'd stay one more night with Ciel.

Currently, you were in a bath that Light had prepared for you. He was cleaning your back, while you pondered quietly.

"How did she do that Light? I know she wasn't human, but she didn't seem like a demon either."

Light began to wash my hair and said. "She was a fallen angel Mistress, we should stay away from them."

"Tch. Like hell. It's the only way I can get my revenge and my brother back. After that our contract comes to end." I said emotionlessly.

"Understood milady."

A few knocks were heard on the bathroom door before a voice was heard.

"Dinner is in ten minutes Milady! Master Ciel said we should have dinner early today!" She said cheerfully before scurrying away from the shut door.

"I supposed I should get out soon."


"Ciel, will you be attending Lord Trancy ball?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I will not."

"Ahhhh what a shame. I planned on attending since I still haven't met the Queen's Spider,"

"I see perhaps, I'll change my mind then," Ciel said monotonously.

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