♚《Alois Ending》♚

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"I'm in love with you Alois."




"Of course silly I already knew that!"





"Luka!!! Come back!!!"

What is that? Is that (Y/n) screaming? Oh god no... It's happening again... Luka please... please don't leave.


I opened my eyes and sat up panting. I looked around me and realized I was still in my manor.

What? Those voices they were-

"Hah! I got you, Luka!" I heard (Y/n)'s voice. I blinked and went over to the window in my bedroom. I looked at the scene the played out in front of me.

"Hahaha! You got me, Mommy!" Luka jumped up in her embrace, his (H/c) hair bouncing as he did.

"Daddy! Come down and play!" He looked at me from the window and smiled widely. (Y/n) turned around and sent me her warm smile.

I chuckled to myself and dressed real quick and went downstairs out to the garden to join them.

"Good morning Daddy!" Luka jumped on me and I caught him with ease.

"Good morning Luka!" I ruffled his (H/c) hair. He looked up at me with sky-blue eyes, identical to mine.

"I'm hungry!" He pouted.

(Y/n) chuckled and came over to us. "Good morning honey." She kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Hungry you say?" Light and Claude appeared, glaring at one another.

"Please Claude, let me cook for today, you deserve a break after all your hard work!" Light said with a sly smile plastered on his face.

"Please. That's very courteous of you Light, but I couldn't bear to stop-"

"I want Hannah to cook!" Luka jumped up and down in my arms.

"Yes, your highness." Hannah appeared randomly and bowed down to Luka.

"Settle down Luka, you're very energetic even though you did not eat anything yet." (Y/n) remarked, ruffling his hair.

Claude and Light continued to glare at each other once more. "Ooh! Ooh! Let's have another competition!"

"Ah! That sounds fun! Light Claude, the two of you wouldn't mind right! You'd also have to watch Luka too!"

"Yes, your high-"

"Thank you! Now Luka, your mother and I are going to go do some...business papers in the house, you stay here and have fun!"

"Okay, Daddy!" Luka hugged (Y/n) and turned to Light and Claude. He took stance, hands on either side of his hips and stared at them commandingly,

"Run around the mansion one two three four five... uhhhh that's the highest I can count to..." He pouted.

I laughed and took (Y/n)'s hand, leading her into the house.

"Now Alois, we both know there are no business papers need to be done right now."

"Yes, but I just wanted to spend time with you," I said pulling her closer to me. She blushed brightly and buried her face in my chest.

"But Alois last night we-"

I placed my hand on her stomach, remembering the events of last night. "Do you think we're expecting someone new?" I asked.

"I don't really know, but I think so." She said smiling.

"Heh, then when I see your stomach a little bigger, then I'll believe you!" I said kissing her on the lips.

☾ Second Person P.o.v ☾

You slipped your fingers through his blonde locks.

"Mmmmhhh..." you moaned quietly as he kissed you. Alois wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

"(Y/n)..." he said your name, through the kiss...

"Alois..." You licked the bottom of his lip asking for permission, taking him by surprise. He opened his mouth letting you enter willingly. Your tongue and his wrestled against each other, fighting for dominance. You won for the first time, another really surprised you. Was Alois different somehow?

While you were left struck with surprise, Alois pinned you to the bed and kissed your neck everywhere, spreading butterfly kisses.

"Gotcha by surprise didn't I?" Alois chuckled as he left love bites all around your neck.

"Alois..." Your voice groaned out, from all the small, light pleasures you were receiving from him.

"Just want to make sure we're expecting a baby so we should do it again!~" He moved his knee in between your legs, over your dress.

"But it's still daytime Alois, can't this wait til—"

Lukas ear-piercing scream broke out through the whole mansion and you and Alois immediately stopped. The scream terrified you both...Was Luka in danger?!The two of you began to run to Lukas aid and there you saw him on the floor pretending to be dead.

"Luka, honey what's wrong?" You asked walking up to him, helping him sit up.

"I am dead mommy. I have died from loneliness."

"What do you mean Luka? You have me, your mother and the servants." Alois walked up to him.

"Yeah... but I want something else. I want a sister or a brother! " he said pouting.

"Oh sure," Alois said simply, without batting an eye.

You rolled your eyes and pat his head, "We'll work on it sweetheart."


"Did you eat yet dear?" You asked worriedly.

"No, I did not, Claude and Light are still having their competition so I told Hannah to wait."

"Shouldn't you be watching this competition? You asked.

"Oh, you're right mommy!" Luka ran into the garden.

Alois smirked at you,

"I believe you and I should be doing start our activities soon."




Here she laid under me, vulnerable to everything I do...

Her (H/L) (H/c) hair, that framed her face perfectly...

Her warm (E/c) eye that radiates brightly...

Even the smile plastered on face seemed far too familiar.

It's her.

She's here She's mine.

"You're mine (Y/n). You will always belong to me and only me. It's always been that way since the beginning.

You smiled, thinking back through all the things the two of you have been through.

"I know."

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