♚《1》♚ Intro

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"(Y/n)! Happy 9th Birthday!" 

I opened my eyes and was met with pale blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. It was Grey, my fiancé.

I flushed red... I was only in my sleepwear! 

"GET OUT!!!" I pointed towards the door.

Grey paused for a second and realized the situation, he quickly ran out the door yelling, "SORRY (Y/N)!"

I got out of bed and changed into a simple red dress. I didn't want to wear something too fancy today, even though it's my birthday. I was never really into parties anyway, I prefer to just do something with close friends and family. I slipped on some red flats over my stockings and opened the door.

"(Y/n)!!!" I was tackled down by two people. I blinked for a second and saw blonde hair and green eyes, the second person had blue hair and blue eyes. 'Ciel and Lizzy!' I'm so glad they're here!

"Ciel! Lizzy!" I hugged them back.

"H-happy birthday (Y/n)..." Ciel looked shyly, yet happily at you. (Keep in note, this is younger Ciel)

"AWHH!!! Your growing up so fast!!!" Lizzy cried out. Tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"Calm down Lizzy! Your own only one year older than me!" You laughed slightly.

Before anyone could say anything, someone ran up behind you and hugged your waist. You turned around and saw your six-year-old brother Yosuke. (Yo-skay)

Like you, he was adopted by your Father, but he was adopted from Japan. Your Father went on a business trip there 3 years ago and found Yosuke starving in an alley. Yosuke couldn't speak English at first but quickly learned how to, since he was still young.

"Sis, H-happy B-birthday.." Yosuke spoke in a small voice, hugging tightly from behind. You turned around and hugged him back,

"Thanks, Yoka!" You smiled, using his nickname. You pulled away from him and ruffled his white hair. He looked up at you with his bright green eyes, showing a small smile on his face.

"(Y/n)! Hurry it's time to eat!" You heard Grey downstairs. Food? Did somebody say food?! Your stomach growled loudly. Lizzy and Ciel laughed, 

"Hurry let's go!"

They started to run downstairs. You took Yosuke hands and dragged him behind you, to the dining room.

Once you were downstairs, you passed everyone else (By everyone else, I mean your Dad and Grey) and headed straight for your chair. You sat yourself down and devoured every food in sight. You brother laughed at you and tried to eat as fast as you. But honestly, no one could beat you, you ate like a lion.

Though of course today was a special occasion! It was your birthday, so it was okay. Normally you ate with manners, being raised in a rich manor and all, but today was an exception.

After breakfast you, Ciel, Lizzy, Grey, and Yosuke went into the main living room, to play.

"Let's play pirates!" Yosuke exclaimed excitedly. Yosuke opened a giant chest with pirate costumes inside. He took out an eyepatch and looked at Ciel with a wide grin.

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