♚ 《5》 ♚ World of Nightmares

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&&& You're P.o.v &&&

It was dinner time and Ciel and I were eating peacefully in an awkward silence. For some odd reason, Ciel seemed tense, like he had something on his mind. I picked up my fork about to eat the piece of steak on it when Ciel spoke up,


"Yes, Ciel?" You asked while staring down at your food, still continuing to eat.

"Is it true your contracted to a demon?" He asked quietly. A taunting, tense, silence upon us, as I tried to avoid the question.

"Answer me." He seethed.

"Yes I am Ciel, but you have no right to be mad at me when you're contracted too," I said.

He glared at me before, storming off into this office. I finished the rest of my food and soon Mey-rin entered the room to collect the dishes. I stood up about to leave the room, but then a sudden crash was heard. I turned around and I saw broken shards of glass on the floor.

Mey-rin quickly ran up to me and began to apologize over and over, while bowing.

"I'm so so so so so sorry Miss (Y/n)!"

"It's fine," I said stoically.

I began to help her pick up the glass when she said, "No it's okay Miss! I can do it myself."

"Don't be that way Mey-rin, it'll be better if we both pick it up. Then the mess will be cleaned up faster." I sent her one of my rare smiles.

"I'll help as well." Light appeared from the hall. He was waiting for me to enter it, but I didn't get to do that, because of the incident with Mey-rin.

Light sent Mey-Rin, a charming smile and she began to fawn over him, I rolled my eyes in annoyance at, Light's effect on women. Honestly, it's irritating for him to do this all the time. Mey-rin took out a handkerchief and covered her nose with it.

I could easily read her thoughts by looking at her.

She's probably thinking, "Oh! Light is the most wonderful, handsome man in the world! Look at the way he gracefully picks up the glass with his long gloved hands! He could probably rival with Sebastian with looks and manners as well as his!"

Although of course since I don't have mind reading powers I can't be completely sure about this. I pushed away my thoughts of what Mey-rin could possibly be thinking and began to help more with picking up glass.

Even though it was weird, I swore I thought I felt someone's presence nearby.

After picking up the glass, I stood up to go to my room. Light quickly handed Mey-rin a new handkerchief and followed me.

&&&& Ciel's P.o.v &&&&

I twisted and turned in my bed, unable to erase the thoughts of (Y/n) being contracted out of my head. I honestly shouldn't be so worried about it. After all, we had just met again after years. The childhood crush I had on her is gone. We're fifteen now. I can't hold on to this feeling any longer.

Deciding to sleep, I began to enter the world of nightmares...

I opened my eyes and saw I was in a prison again. I looked outside my cage and saw people dressed in black cloaks and cultist masks. Terrified I looked down and saw I was a child again. I backed up to the edge of the bars and buried my face in my knees.

"Someone please help..." I cried out.

"Anyone at all, I don't care who...." The cage opened and the people began to drag me onto the pedestal. I thrashed violently in their arms trying to escape. But to no avail, I was chain down to the pedestal.

The people dressed in cloaks all surrounded me, smiling viciously at my cowering form. I looked behind me and saw one of them had a hot iron bar in their hands with a symbol on the end. It's happening again. They're going to mark me.

I felt the hot iron sizzle against my skin and began to scream out in agony.

"Aghhhhh!!!! Stop!" I tried to get away but I couldn't... but suddenly everything began to fade to white. What's happening?

I opened my eyes and was met with warm (E/c) eyes staring down at me in worry.

"(Y/n)... what are you-" Before I could finish, I realized I was showing her my contract sign. I reached out for my eyepatch quickly but she took my hand and pinned me down below her.

"It's okay Ciel... I really like your eye...It's beautiful." She said softly. I tried to rip my gaze away from her face, feeling my face heat up. So I looked at her nightgown. My face heated up more realizing I was looking at a lady in her sleeping clothes.

(Y/n) quickly got off of me and apologized, " Sorry Ciel... I'll go now." She said about to go. But I quickly grabbed her hand before she left.

"Please... please stay with me tonight."

(Y/n) smiled softly before, entering the bed beside me. I wrapped my arms around her as I did when we were kids taking a nap.

If only we could go back in time...

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