♚《2》♚The true beginning

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(Y/n) (L/n). 15 years old. Known as the Queen's Princess. Why do you ask? Well for one the Queen had always favored her more than the other nobles that worked for her. The second reason, was because when you were younger she would refer to your Father as a prince due to his 'charming demeanor'. Before when your Father did work for the Queen, he would always charm his enemies to get their guard down, then he would kill them. Now that you're in his place you do the same.

[Your P.o.v ]

This damn man, how dare he show his face to me, after spending the money I gave him for the company on gambling! Seriously what a useless waste of space. I should rid of him quickly.

Honestly what a dimwitted man he is. Just because I am only a teenager, he believes he can fool me. Oh, he thought wrong...

He sat in the seat of the dining room, feasting on the food I provided. He had gray and brown hairs, with noticeable wrinkles on his face, he was a man around his late 40's. He swallowed haughtily and sipped the wine. I smirked slightly and fiddled with the amethyst poison ring on my finger.

"Oh! Please excuse me Mistress (L/n)! I should explain to you the budget circumstances I'm under!"

"Yes you should, but if you'd like you may continue eating, then afterward we could speak, if that is what you'd prefer."

"Oh, I couldn't Mistress! You're far too kind." He grinned widely, devouring more food.

"Please, you give me more credit than I'm worth," I said narrowing my eyes at him, still sending a charming smile his way.

"Oh Mistress (L/n)!!!" He laughed like an old man, slapping his hand over his knee

Tch, he'll be dead by tomorrow...

"So let's get started Arthur, you seem to have a problem relating the circumstances of your budget. Would you explain to me?"

"Well y'see, Mistress, I need more money, something went wrong in the factory that makes the tea you sell, and I need more money to get the error fixed."

"I see, very well then. The money will be sent tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mi-"

"*WOOF *WOOF*" My puppy ran into the room barking and jumping loudly. The man turned his face to Sora, and I took this chance to use my poison ring and poured the poison into his wine.

"Oh wow, that's quite the pet you have there!" Authur said, his drunken face, sending my dog an awkward smile.

"*WOOF*" Akita did a backflip.

"Ah, my apologies." Light came in with a smile plastered on his face and picked up Sora.

"-As I was saying Mistress, thank you." He gulped down the wine and excused himself from the room. Light then, walked back into the room holding Sora. I crossed my legs and took Sora into my arms.

"How long until the poison sinks in Mistress?"

"It should sink in by midnight, I made sure it would sink in late, so one of his servants would be blamed."

"Ah I see." Light smiled.

"Mistress, there are two letters for you today." Light took out two letters from a tray, both had fancy wax seals on them. I recognized one to be from the Queen. The other was unfamiliar to me.

1st Letter;

Dearest (Y/n),

I'm writing this letter to you, to inform you that you are going to be taking a case for me. I've had many detectives try to solve the case, but they've all died in the process. Though of course, I've taken precautions for you, my dear Princess, so I've decided you will take this case on with my Guard Dog. Best of Luck,

-Queen Victoria

The guard dog huh? Ciel. It's been far too long since I've seen him. Ever since that day, the two of us haven't kept in touch...

2nd Letter;

Dear Mistress (L/n),

I am Lord Trancy, of the Trancy manor, and I'd like to invite you to ball I'm throwing. I hope you are able to attend, I'd like to meet you!It'd be my greatest pleasure to be on good terms with the Queen's Princess. I hope to see you attend,

-Alois Trancy


Alois Trancy? The Queen's Spider... this should be interesting, and anyway it would be best for me to make good terms with him. He's probably just some greedy noble though...

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