♚ 《19》 ♚ Trancy manor

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&&& (Y/n)'s P.o.v &&&

The carriage ride home was Grey talking on and on about the next time we'd see each other. A least that's what I think he's talking about, not that I'm listening. I just stared out the window thinking about nothing.

"(Y/n)!! Are you listening to me?!" Grey yelled, gaining my attention.

"Sorry, I spaced out." I said apologizing

" It's okay." he said

"It looks like this is my stop, I'll see you later (Y/n)!!" Grey said.

"Bye!" I said trying to end the conversation before Grey left out the door, he came closer to me and gave me a hug, he was squeezing the life out of me. But before I could say anything he ran out the carriage and into his large mansion.

"...." I remained silent, not bothering to think about it,

^^^Ten Minutes Later^^^

"Wake up Master." His voice said

"Huh?! Oh, I fell asleep."

"Indeed you did Master, Shall we go now?" he said

"Yes of course." You said getting up and entering your manor.

When you entered the mansion, someone dressed in purple with bright blonde hair tackled you to the ground embracing you tightly but not too tightly. You hugged this person back hoping they would get off you.

"(Y/n)! You're finally home!" a voice you recognized to be Alois said

"Yes, I was awa-"

"How dare you keep me waiting for so long!!!" he cut you off.

"Well, I-"

"No matter, you're here now so come on we're going to my manor."

You forced a smile upon your face as all different kinds of thoughts flooded into your mind at once.

Are you kidding me and I thought I could finally relax at home. I thought I could finish up my paperwork, walk in my garden and play with my dog. I was going to take things easy tomorrow I had it all planned out in my head. Though my plans are foiled, I get to see Alois again, and I did promise him I would see him again. I guess I have no other choice than to oblige.

"I see."

^^^^^^^At the Trancy Manor^^^^^^^

You walked into the manor, and saw four figures appear in front of you. One was a tan-skinned woman with pale lavender-almost white hair. She wore a purple and white maid outfit that draped down to her feet. The other three were triplets with their hair parted in different ways.

"Welcome to the Trancy Manor." they synchronized.

"Hannah show her to her room." Alois said menacingly towards the woman with long hair. She quickly bowed and said,

" Yes, your highness."

I then followed her to the room I was staying at. She opened the door and I saw a light blue room. Much of the room was blue, but it was most positively breathtaking.

"Thank you for bringing me here, but before you go, could you perhaps prepare a bath for me?"

"Of course My lady."She responded and went to the bathroom. Seconds later she came out,

"The bath is prepared My Lady, would you like me to assist you in bathing yourself?" she questioned.

"No it's fine I can do it myself." I said making my way to the bathroom. With that, she left the room.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothing, and entered the tub. It was warm and relaxing. I sat there and played with the bubbles as time passed by.

Meanwhile with Light...

As soon as I entered the Trancy manor I sensed the presence of five demons. More nuisances to deal with.

I explored the manor, searching the place finding information about to inform my Master. I kept making my way through the manor until I came across one room. I was about to enter when someone had found me.

"It isn't polite to snoop around in places where you shouldn't." A monotone voice said.

"Ahh, forgive me. Curiosity gets the best of me.." I said giving the person a fake smile. I turned around to face one of the five demons in this household.

"It's fine, I believe you're with Miss (L/n)?"

"Yes I am and I assume you're the head butler here?" I said still 'smiling'

"You are correct, I am Claude Faustus and you are?"

"Light Kirame." I said offering a handshake, he accepted gazing at me sharply trying to read was my objective was.

"Well, I want to inform you that dinner will be at seven-thirty."

"I see thank you. Well, I'll be on my way to tend to my Master." I said leaving him there.

I knocked on one of the guest rooms and heard a muffled "Come in."

I entered and saw my Master wearing a dress I didn't recognize to be hers. The dress was a regal purple with a big bow around the waist. Underneath the outer layer of the dress was a paler purple with little ruffles.

Without speaking, my master somehow managed to read me and answered the question running through my mind.

"It was left on the bed so I assumed Alois wanted me to wear it." She spoke.

"I see." I took out a pocket watch and saw the time was six-thirty.

"Did you find anything odd about this house Light?"

"Well Master there are five demons in the house, but I'm sure you knew that right?" I smirked

"Of course I did." She stated bluntly.

"So how do you wish to pass time until dinner?" I asked.

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