♚ 《12》 ♚ Cheated

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"(Y/N)!!!~Wake up!!" You opened your eyes and saw Grey on top of you, with a wide grin plastered on his face. At the current time, Grey had both you trapped between both his legs and was you could say, sitting on your waist. Being the oblivious person he is, he wasn't quick to notice, as, for you, you had just awoken so you were unaware of the close proximity the two of you were at.

"Why are you here Grey?" You asked sitting up.

"I'm going to take you somewhere special!"

"And where would that be?"

"It's a surprise!" He replied with a closed eye smile. A short second of silence came between the two of you, before you spoke up, "It would be nice if you could get off me now."

Grey immediately flared red, finally realizing how close the two of you were. He hopped off you and ran out the door. Despite being fifteen years old, he was quite childish.

Not long after he left, Light walked into the room, and you began to get dressed.

Soon Grey took you off to his so-called "surprise."


Here you stood in the Phantomhive manor, in which was decorated in a variety of different pinks. Hot pink streamers hung across the walls, pastel pink balloons floated around magenta pieces of confetti, were scattered upon the floor. Sebastian even had this... pink bonnet on his head.

Light smirked at Sebastian and laughed quietly to himself.

"Oh, Light you're here! Quickly put this on! All butler in the household must wear them, according to Milady Midford." Sebastian handed Light a hot pink bonnet and Light immediately lost his amused expression.

With a straight-face, Light proceeded to place the bonnet on, even Tanaka had one.

"Oh, Ciel!!! You're so cute!!" Lizzy crushed him in her deadly grip.

You remained as straightfaced as ever until Grey spoke up, "I brought (Y-"

"(Y/N)!!!" Lizzy sped towards ready to choke me to death.


"W-we saw each other yesterday..."I choked out, attempting to breathe. Grey grabbed you out of her arms and wrapped his around you protectively. Lizzy pouted in disappointment. After regaining oxygen you kept your face blank as usual.

"Oh, (Y/n)..." Ciel came towards you and drew his attention to Grey who held you.

"Ciel..." You pulled yourself away from Grey's hold.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again." You continued. "As to you." He replied before taking your hand and kissing the back of it.

"CIEL WHY DON'T YOU DO THAT TO ME?!?!?!" Lizzy screeched. Luckily Grey covered your ears before you could suffer any ear damage. Lizzy was quick to notice this and pouted once more,

"Why can't you be a cute fiance like Grey? He protects (Y/n) like she's his princess!" She complained.

"That's cause she is my princess!~" He gushed happily.

Ciel proceeded to remain unfazed and blank. You remained there just as blank as Ciel. The things Grey would say to you, were normal so you never really thought too much about it.

"Anyway, why have you all gathered here at my mansion?" Ciel asked.

"I got everyone here, so we could have a best friend day like we used to!" She jumped up and down happily.

"Well, we are all here, what do you suppose we do?" I asked boredly. Grey took notice of your loss of interest and frowned a little.

"Hide and seek of course in the garden! I'll be it!" She ran off and Grey took you and Ciel's hand running off.

"We're fifteen years old for God's sake..." Ciel muttered.

As they left, Light kept his eyes on Grey. In the room, only he and Sebastian remained, for Tanaka had disappeared off.

"Sebastian, as a fellow demon may I ask you something?" Light, kept his eyes where Grey had left.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "And that would be?"

"Do you sense anything different about the boy; Grey WhiteiteSilver? He always manages to sneak out into our house without me sensing it. He doesn't seem all too human to me."

"I don't sense anything angel or demon related coming from him, but I'll keep my eyes out for him." Sebastian replied, looking at him seriously.

Light held in a chuckled and looked away, "Forgive me, but I can not seem to take you seriously with the bonnet on your head."


"ONE.... TWO... THREE...." Lizzy had already begun counting and, Grey had run off to his favorite hiding spot.

The moment Ciel realized that Grey was gone, Ciel took your hand and started to take you somewhere within the estate, little ways from the large Garden.

"Ciel where are you taking me?" I asked as we kept going.

"I'd like to speak to you about something (Y/n). Something I don't quite understand." He said.

Before long I could no longer hear Lizzy counting and the only thing I heard was the soft humming of birds in the area.

Finally, Ciel came to a stop and we were in a familiar area. It reminded me of that day.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Forgive me for ridding of formalities but I'd like to be forward with you." He stared.

"Please, don't even bother with formalities with me, we've known each other far too long." You said.

"Whenever I see you with someone else, I get a tight feeling in my chest. A feeling I despise most of all. And when we're together I can't help but feel at ease, but nervous at the same time. It must sound stupid to you, but I'm not sure if I can describe it any other way." Ciel said, making you feel a little flustered.

"Do you truly mean what you say?" You asked, looking at the floor, with a blank stare. Grey was at the back of your mind while this all happened. How would he feel about all this?

"I do. Although I'm not sure what these feelings are I can't help but feel this way. If you don't believe me where I stand, then I have no choice but to prove it to you." He said leaning in for a kiss.

For a couple seconds, Ciel moved his lips against your motionless ones. He brought his hand up to your cheek, urging you to kiss back. With this being your first, you kissed back, forgetting entirely of the world you were in.

Slowly things started to escalate when the kiss lasted longer than a couple seconds.


"(Y/N)!!!" Elizabeth and Grey could be heard from a distance and the two of you parted. Looking at each other out of breath and red-faced.

"Oh! There you guys are!" Lizzy and Grey came running towards you two, ignorant of the scandalous act the two of you had done...

"Let's go inside now."

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