♚ 《18》 ♚ Day 3

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"One, two, three, one two three-"

"Ow!" Grey stepped on my foot

"No, it's okay," I said this was the fifth time in the last 3 minutes.

I heard Light snicker as he played the piano. He was playing "Gertrude's Dream Waltz" by Beethoven in B-Flat Major. I would've turned to glare at him, but it's rude to avoid contact with your partner during a dance.

"Young Master, that is the sixth-"

Sebastian was cut off by Ciel's anger, "I know Sebastian, you do not have to tell me."

"Hmm, seems both you and Sir Grey seem to be having trouble with ballroom dancing. Maybe if you two switched partners it would do some change." Sebastian said.

Light stopped playing and looked over at us, "I agree with Sebastian, maybe it would change things."

"If you insist," I said, letting go of Grey's hold.

Ciel walked over to me and bowed, "May I have this dance?"

Grey went over to Lizzy and did the same to her. Except it was different. Grey seemed awkward and tense around her like he could never look at her the same way.

"You may." She smiled.

Light started the music once more and we all danced. "One, two, three, One, two, three..." Sebastian counted.

For some odd reason, Ciel and I were not stepping all over each other. Grey seemed to be doing fine too.

"You're getting better Ciel." I complimented.

"Well, maybe I am only a good dancer when you are my partner." He said, twirling me. "Maybe," I responded as he pulled me in.

Grey watched Ciel, enviously, and Lizzy complained. "Grey, it's rude to not look at your partner when you dancing." She said.

"Sorry." He replied, with a small frown worn upon his face.

Ciel and I continued our waltz, not missing a single step. As this went on, I kept my eyes on Ciel's blue one, like where were communicating to one another with only a look of the eye. I never paid much attention to it but, Ciel's blue eye is mesmerizing, The color of it, is like the dark-clear water of a lake at night, shining against the reflection of the moon. Since when had I become this cliche?

"You're a little tense Ciel, loosen up," I said.

"My apologies, I must be nervous about possibly stepping on your foot." He confessed.

"Don't worry about, focus on me and the patterns of our steps," I said.

"I'll try." He said.

We continued the waltz, with ease as Light played the piano.

Our dance soon came to an end and Ciel bowed to me as I curtsied.

"It was a pleasure to dance with you Lady (L/n)."

"The pleasure was mine, Lord Phantomhive."

The clock the rung and the time showed twelve in the afternoon.

"My Mistress I believe we should return to the household soon." Light stood up, bowing.

"Yes of course." I turned to Ciel and curtsied once more, "Thank you for allowing me to stay here for the last days, perhaps next time you can come over to my manor." I said.

"I would enjoy that." Ciel took my hand and kissed the back of it.

I looked at Grey and Lizzy who watched uncomfortably, "Let's stay in touch." I 'smiled' at them and walked out the door.

"Wait! I'm coming with you on the carriage." Grey said with a pout.


He nodded his head rapidly and took my hand we left.

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