♚ 《20》 ♚ Trancy manor PT.2

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A/n; WARNING mentions rape, cause you Alois's backstory and all.

"I wish to spend the remaining time till dinner in the library, you can go inspect this house or something," I said leaving the room.

I walked into the library and looked around. They had a fairly large library, it was neat with exception of the few books laid out on the floor. I looked for a book to read. Seems Alois did not visit the library often.

I found a book titled (B/n) and took it out of the shelf. I made my way m to a chair and began to read.


^^^^ Time-skip Dinner Time ^^^^

I sat in front of Alois, eating my food quietly. I looked him with all kinds of thoughts running through my head.

Where is Luka?

How is he the heir of the Trancy family?

But most of all I kept questioning myself,

Is this truly the boy I met all these years ago?

I picked at my food with a fork these Questions still running through my head.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Alois said, with a worried expression plastered across his face.

Deciding to cut to the chase, I asked,

"Alois... Where's Luka?" I started placing my fork down.

A dead silence came upon the atmosphere as the mood was entirely changed. Alois looked uncomfortable and depressed?

"L-let's talk about this later." he said.

"Okay," I said deciding to drop the subject.

Alois and I finished eating and he led me to his room. We both sat on the bed and. I could tell he was trying to avoid the subject. He looked away averting his gaze.

I kept my eyes on him. I stared into his azure, ice blue eyes.

"Alois where's Luka?" I missed Luka so much, he was like a little brother to me. If Luka wasn't with Jim, where could he be?

"He..he's dead.." Alois said, one tear falling from his eye.

"W-What.." I said in disbelief, "There's no way, h-he can't be dead." I said, eyes wide with fear.

I promised them I'd see them again.

"It's true... After we got separated, everyone in the village died from a fire, then Luka and I split up to go raid their stuff. A little bit later I looked for him, But... B-but when I found him he was dead." Alois said.

"N-no.," I said crying. I hugged Alois and he hugged back tightly as if his life depended on it.

"What happened to y-you afterward?" I managed to choke out despite the lump in my throat.

"I was taken in along with other boys to the Trancy manor, where the previous head of the Trancy household would rape us. Soon he died and I became head of the Trancy Manor."

"I'm so sorry A-Alois, I didn't know you went through so much."

"It's okay (Y/n), but enough about me what happened to you?" Alois said.

"After I was separated from you and Luka, a nobleman saved me from the baker. The nobleman was head of the (L/n) company."

"He took me into his family, I had a mother and a brother... I was so happy, but on my ninth birthday, he was murdered and then I became head of the (L/n) Company. My Brother was kidnapped too... My mother died of illness years earlier."


"I should get going to my room now.." I said getting up and heading towards the door.

"Wait... no I want you to stay here," he said his hand reaching out towards me, his eyes were still teary from crying.

I came back and laid next to him."Okay, I'll stay."

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