♚ 《16》 ♚ Day 1 PT. Three

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"Ciel I don't get it? Why does it hurt?" I cried out in the library room of the manor. Ciel took me in his arms tenderly and kissed my forehead.

"Everything will be okay. Something like that doesn't matter anyway. What we want is revenge, and that's the only thing we should focus on." He said.

I calmed my breathing and looked up at him with a small smile. "You're right. If anything this makes everything easier."

"Ciel, aren't you the least bit pained to see her cheat on you?" I asked curiously, returning his embrace, resting my head on his chest.

"I am not. I wasn't the slight least in love with her."

"You know who I am in love with."

I blushed and nuzzled my head further into his chest, being with him made me feel safe. "If only it was only us. If they weren't here, and only the two of us. Without all these engagement complications." I said resting my head on his chest.

"If only," Ciel said, resting his chin on my head.

⌒⌒⌒ Dinner ⌒⌒⌒

The dinner between the four of you was stuck in a dead silence, with the small sounds of your utensils scraping against the glass plates.

"(Y/n)...please don't do this." I could hear Grey's pleading voice, as he set his utensils down.

"Don't speak to me," I replied harshly.

"I-I know I can't fix things with you, Ciel... but (Y/n)...please still be my friend. After all these years we spent together, there's no way you could just let our friendship go to waste."

"I didn't let our friendship go to waste. You did."

"I-I'm sorry!" Lizzy stood up from the dining table and ran out of the room to cry.

"You too betrayed me Grey, and to think after all years ...," Ciel spoke up.

"Ciel please understand! I never had feelings for Lizzy, I never did! My heart was always set out for (Y/n)! I don't know why Lizzy did that I swear I-"

"Shut the hell up." You said coldly standing up.

You scoffed and left the room, up to go retire.

Light appeared in an instant as you entered your guest room. " It's okay my mistress." Light said.

"Tch, I don't need your pity. All I need is my revenge," You said. From this point on, would you focus everything on solely your revenge?

"Yes master." his eyes glowed pink, and he started to strip you down of your gown and corset. He then dressed you in a satin purple nightgown to sleep.

You slipped into the covers and Light was about to blow out the candle in the room until you stopped him.

"Light. Stay here until I fall asleep." You commanded.

Light smirked a little, "Yes of course."

He sat down in an armchair and watched your calm sleeping face.

"Light." You said his name once more, as your eyes snapped open. "Yes?"

"Tell me a story."

"Yes, master."

A book suddenly appeared in Light's hand and a pair of reading glasses on his face. He opened the page and started to narrate,

&& Story Time &&

"Once upon a time, there was a boy named Nami. He was a poor boy from a village. He had only two friends from the village. It was a girl, named Corrine and an older brother named Adrian. Corrine and Adrian meant the world to Nami, they fought each and every day fighting for their lives.

One day magic witch appeared in front of Nami as he picked berries from a bush. Surprised, Nami fell backward. The magic witch was an old woman, with a long flowy pink dress and large bat wings.

Nami stared at her green-cat like hues in curiosity.

The magic witch then spoke,

"I'm offering you a chance to change the life of you and your friends. Three wishes, and once your three wishes are up, you pay the price." She spoke kindly.

Blinded by her sincere tone, Nami agreed instantly. He looked over in the distance and saw Corrine running from bullies in the village who were trying to beat her up for being poor.

A dark look came upon him.

"I wish all the people in the village would die slowly, one by one..." He grits his teeth.

Nami kept his look on the bullies, who dropped to their knees, "My stomach hurts!" They cried out in pain.

Corrine took this opportunity to run towards Adrian, who caught her in an embrace.

"My second wish is for us to live as nobles, I don't want us to suffer anymore..."

The magic witch nodded.

Days later...

"Excuse me, are you the children who go by the names Corrine, Nami, and Adrian." Yes Adrian, shivered in his clothes. It was six am and everyone in the village was pronounced dead.

"The three of you are the lost children of the Resaille's family. We were ordered to take you home immediately.

The years passed by and the three children were living their lives.

At age 16, Nami was faced again with the magic witch.

"It's you again." Nami looked up at the hovering witch.

"Your last wish." She said.

"Oh right..." Nami rubbed his chin in thought, wondering what more could he wish for.

"I wish...to fall in love." The witch sent him a pleasant smile and disappeared.

Months later, Nami met a girl named Leyla, almost instantly, he fell in love, and the two decided to wed in the next three months.

At this point in his life, Nami was happy.

In his room, Nami stared out into the open sky, through the window. He looked at the many constellations, recognizing Ursa Major.

Behind him, he heard movement.

He turned around and saw a sad smile on her face. "It's time you pay for your wishes Nami."

"Yes of course, what is the payment of the wishes?" He asked.

"Your soul." she looked at him sadly.

Nami looked at her with fear, but then let a calm expression take over him, " I understand."

The magic witch stared at Nami in disbelief. He was the first person to accept their fate so calmly. "Why do you not cry out in fear? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I am. But I have lived happily because of you. And now I am willing to die for that happiness I have received. I have lived life without regrets."

The magic witch nodded and walked towards him, placing her hand on his forehead. Nami closed his eyes and felt his body start to go numb.

He dropped to the floor and witch disappeared in the night."

Light finished.

Light stared down at your sleeping form and smiled slightly, "Good night Master."

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