♚ 《23》 ♚Surprise Visit

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[A/n; Just a reminder; up there is Grey, the actual character is Shu Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers, and I don't mean to commercialize, but I'm gonna commercialize. Check out my Diabolik Lovers Fanfic ;))]

Your P.o.v 

Alois and I sat in his office, just chatting back and forth about random things. By the looks of it, he was really enjoying himself. Seeing his smile was really nice after our long separation. I wonder what he spent his time doing as Lord of the Trancy household. Ciel and I had been doing missions for the queen while maintaining our companies. So perhaps Alois was doing the same?

Shortly, our talk was cut short when there was a knock at the door. Alois straightened his posture and said, "Come in."

Claude entered the room soundlessly and bowed, "Viscount Druitt grew bored and decided to invite Lord White-Silver over."

Grey's here?

"Ugh more people," Alois said disgustedly and took intertwined my hand in his, leading me downstairs. As we walked downstairs I saw Grey chatting happily with Viscount Druitt. He looked up at the top of the staircase and his smile was gone in an instant when he realized I was holding hands with Alois. I shook under his stare and squeezed Alois's hand by accident. He squeezed back.

Alois 'smiled' at the two as we walked down the staircase, "Why hello there! I'm Alois Trancy of the Trancy Manor, you must be Lord White-Silver!" Alois stretched his free arm for Grey to shake.

"Cousin, you don't mind me bringing a guest over right?" Aleistor said, with a carefree smile. I internally hoped he would just die already.

"Of course I don't, as long as you won't bother my little (Y/n) and I!" Alois hugged my arm, and I leisurely returned the small action, and hugged him, just as I used to when we were younger.

"Aww, the two of you are so cute! When you are you getting married?" Aleistor asked.

At this point, I realized he got the wrong idea of Alois's and I's relationship. He assumed we were betrothed. Before I could say anything, Grey spoke up. "The two of you can't be engaged!"

"Oh, and why's that?" I asked, glaring at him, still remember past events. He can't suddenly get defensive, after what he did.

"I..." Grey gulped down looking at the floor.

"Now now (Y/n)! Let's treat our guests nicely! The two of us should be getting used to attending to our guests together! Afterall soon we'll be-"

"Stop! I can't hear this anymore! (Y/n)'s my fiance got it?! She's only mine!" A crazed look came over Grey's face took me by surprise. He twitched slightly, and his eyes were wide with madness.

The hell is this? All these years that I've known him, he's only ever been soft-hearted boy filled with happiness and determination...but here... He looks like he's lost it all.

"Ohh...Is there something I'm missing here?" Aleistor asked as he stared at the three of us.

"Is that so (Y/n)? You have a fiance?"


Grey's insane look was filled with hurt as he gazed down at me. He furrowed his eyebrows in guilt and fiddled with his fingers. "(Y/n)...we...I... I said I was sorry..."

"Oh! So it seems you screwed up and hurt my dear (Y/n)! Guess that means only I can have her now!" Alois pulled me into his chest standing behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"No!" Grey grabbed me from his arms.

"Tch, I swear I'll-"

"Excuse me please, but I'd like to go the library..." I said leaving the scene. "I'll come along!" Aleistor chimed following behind. I groan


Once Grey and Alois were alone in the room, they sent each other deadly glares.

"Let's play a game Lord White-Silver. A duel. Whoever survives get's (Y/n)." Alois said throwing him a sword.

Grey caught it with ease and his eyes flashed purple for a split second before they returned to their normal sky blue.

"Hmmph, very well then."

Alois and Grey stood back to back to one another, "You know how this works don't you?" Grey said.

"Ah yes, the Phantomhive brat and I had a duel once.

"Olé!" Alois chimed before they began.


Grey turned around and put his sword up, keeping Alois from slicing him, "Now, now. Last I check we count to ten and take ten steps away from each other, it'd be no good if you were cheating!" Grey said in his usual cheerful tune, except it seemed darker.

"Oh, my apologies!" Alois smiled, despite being angry.

The two slashed swords back and forth, Alois was an expert at fencing as it seemed. Grey, on the other hand, was not as much of an expert but something about him made him the same level of strength if anything he was stronger.

"Whoops!" Alois used his right foot and kicked Grey onto the floor, only for him to be caught by Light.

"Now, now, I can't let you damage Lord White-Silver. My master had demanded I protect all those she cares for." Light smirked taking the swords from Grey and Alois.

Claude stood behind Alois, glaring at Light.

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