♚ 《13》 ♚ Love Affairs

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After lunch it was decided that you would all be staying at the mansion for three days, not counting today.

As of present time, the four of you were seated in the living room thinking of things to do. Well mainly it was Lizzy and Grey spurting ideas and Ciel and you remaining in a silence. Grey was all cozied up to you, with his fingers intertwined with yours. Ciel glanced at the two of you feeling a fire within him but pushed that feeling aside.

"How about we play chess? Whoever loses faces the next person." You suggested, only to be shot down by both Lizzy and Grey who were absolute trash at chess.

"NO!" They said.

"Why not? I'd like to play." Ciel said.

"Then it's settled-" You stood up before Grey pulled you back down.

"NO!" He said, pouting. It was hard to believe he was fifteen years old.

"Then (Y/n) and I will play, and you two do whatever you please." Ciel glared at Grey and pulled you away from him, and marched off to his office.

"Ciel..." You started, as you went up the stairs.

"Just come with me." he mumbled. When he entered the office it was just the two of you.

"Please do not be so mean to Grey, Ciel. He was your childhood friend, do not forget that."

"I'm sorry, but it's difficult for me to understand this-I..." Ciel trailed.

You looked at Ciel sadly, "Ciel.... You know we can't....especially with contracts, we both need to fulfill our contracts. We'll both be dead, neither of us will be able to live a happy life and have children one day. We both know our fates."

♞🅧 With Grey and Lizzy! ♞🅧

"Do you hear anything Lizzy?!" Grey said as she pressed her ear against the door.


"We'll both be dead...."

Lizzy gasped, for that is the only thing she heard through the thick wooden door. "What happened?!" Grey asked.

"They're going to die!" Grey was about to burst through the door when Light and Sebastian walked in.

"Earl WhiteSilver, Milady Elizabeth, what are you two doing?" Light asked.

"We're... uhhhh....-" Lizzy trailed.

"We were looking for the two of you! Grey said.

"Oh? What for?" Sebastian asked.

"A game! A question game where we ask each other questions!" Grey said happily, concealing his expression with a smile. Light who looked so calm on the outside was suspicious.

"We do not have time sadly, we must prepare for dinner later and-"

"You have to Sebastian! That's an order from the future Lady Phantomhive!" Lizzy commanded.

"Very well Milady Midford." He bowed.

"I suppose I too have no choice since Earl WhiteSilver is likely to say the same thing."Light bowed as well.

Grey nodded with a silly smile plastered over his face, "Gather all the servants in the living room."

♞🅧 With Ciel and (Y/n)! ♞🅧

"Ciel... if I may ask, why did you make a contract with a demon?."

"Revenge." He answered simply. Almost immediately I remembered the events of the fire in his house and his disappearance. After that, I pushed myself away from anyone who I was connected to before. I even insisted on ending the engagement between Grey and me, but he convinced me otherwise.

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