♚ 《10》 ♚ I told you we'd meet again

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Ciel leaned against one of the pillars in the ballroom, as he watched the others. Elizabeth was talking to Agni and Prince Soma until you suddenly appeared and entered the scene.

"Hello, Elizabeth-"

Lizzy suddenly hugged you and spun you around, "(Y/n)!!! I missed you so much!!" She said happily.

"Air..." You Choked out within her death trap.

Amidst your early funeral, Agni took time to notice Lights costume. "Your costume looks great !" He complimented.

"Thank you."Light smiled charmingly, gaining the attention of the other women in the room. His white bunny ears that matched his white hair along with his black bow tie around his navy blue tailored suit, caught the attention of many.

"Help..." you made out wishing Lizzie strong hug.

"(Y/n)!!!" Another pair of arms grabbed you and you instantly knew it was Grey. After the incident you and Grey had still remained close, he visits you almost every week. Well that was until there Queen began to, shower you with more work

Even despite your dramatic change in personality due to your parent's death, Grey still loved you wholeheartedly.

"I missed you We haven't seen each other in months.." He said quietly so I ly you would hear.

You rolled your eyes, looking blank, but on the inside, you were laughing slightly at his childish behavior.

"Forgive me, Grey, the Queen had given me many missions within these last months."

"Yes, and in fact, she had just finished one with me." Ciel suddenly appeared narrowing his eyes at Grey.

"Ahh, so I see you made it." You said.

"Yes, and won't you mind introducing me to your friend?" Ciel said not taking his eyes off Grey, who still held you captive in his embrace.

"Silly Ciel! It's me, Grey! We grew up together! Remember I'm (Y/n)'s, fiance!" He said proudly.

(Y/n), seeming uncomfortable, left Grey's grasp and turned away. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!" Lizzy looked at Light.

Light smiled charmingly, "Why thank you Lady Midford!"

"Are you perhaps (Y/n)'s butler?" Lizzy asked.

"Indeed I am!"

Light was cut short when a silence was drawn upon. The Only thing heard was faint whispers between people, "Lord Trancy is coming out..." Ciel was able to make out among the many whispers.

The ballroom door opened revealing a blonde haired-boy with icy blue eyes. He wore a purple vampire costume, similar to (Y/n)'s whose vampire costume was also purple.

(Y/n)'s looked at the boy familiarly, feeling an ache in her heart. The sight of him, caused faint memories to appear within her mind. "Jim... Luka...." She muttered underneath her breath looking down.

She felt tears cloud at the rims of eyes, as she stared the Lord who was greeting other guests. I haven't felt like this in ages. She thought within her mind. This can't really be him.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Grey's voice snapped her out of her trance. (Y/n) then realized she was crying. "I'm fine." She stormed out of the ballroom, beginning to wander through the Trancy manor.

Her disorganized thoughts exploded within her mind, reminding her of her troubled past. For once she wasn't able to conceal her feelings within her mask.

By now (Y/n) had found her way out in the Trancy Manor. There, where she was alone, she dropped to her knees and let her tears spill rapidly.

"Excuse me, Miss, are you okay?"

You recognized that voice.

"Jim?" You asked, feeling hopeful within.

"How do you know that name?-" You turned around and Alois looked at you in complete surprise.

Her (H/L) (H/c) hair, that framed her face perfectly...

Her warm (E/c) eyes...

Even the tears running down her eyes seemed far too familiar.

It's her.

She's here.

She's finally returned at all.

"(Y/n)...You're alive!!!" He came running at you and hugged you in a deathly hug. Not that you minded, of course, it had been so long since you'd last met.

You smiled to yourself as you embraced him back,

"I told you we'd meet again!"

𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 || 𝐂𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬 ||Where stories live. Discover now