♚ 《17》 ♚ Day 2

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The next day was filled with beyond awkwardness. The four of you were mournfully quiet due to the events that had happened the day prior. Even Elizabeth and somehow stayed quiet.

"(Y/n)! Please talk to me!" Grey cried out desperately grabbing onto the back of your dress.

"Leave me be." You smacked his hand off you and turned around to the library, one of your favorite places.

"I'm begging you...please let me explain!" Grey broke down in front of me. "Fine, explain."

"After Ciel called you into his office, Lizzy started to go on about how she can't get Ciel to open up to her, so I tried encouraging her... and"

"And then she confessed to me and kissed me, and I didn't see it coming I didn't kiss back! You saw! I saw just so shocked..." He said, his tears drying up.

"Is that so?"

"Y-yes! So please! Please don't leave me! I beg you!"

"Grey... After seeing that I don't know if I could be able to-"

"Then at least let us still be friends! Or think about fixing our engagement..!

"I suppose I could think about it."

"Thank you (Y/n)!" Grey cried out in joy, tears cascading down his pale complexion.

He dropped down on one knee and grabbed onto your hand.

You looked down at him, completely astonished by his sudden action,

" I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to get you to fall in love with me..." He declared with all emotion he could muster.

"Grey you..."

You were cut off when he stood up and embraced you tightly, leaving you to stay limp in his arms.

Grey pulled back and gave you a light, gentle kiss on the lips.

▲ ½ an hour Later ▲

"Ciel... I've decided to not say anything about the engagement with Grey out to the public, it would cause commotion and drama to around the public." I explained.

" I see... but do you wish to marry him still?"

"I do not know," I responded.

Ciel sighed and kissed your head, "Follow what you best believe in."

You nodded, with a smile.

"(Y/N)!!!" Elizabeth came in with cloudy red eyes.

She dropped to her knees and begged, "Please, please, please!!! Please forgive me, I don't want to lose anything we had! We were best friends before and I don't want that to change!!!"

You watched her sob hopelessly on the floor and let out a breath of discontent.

"One last chance." You said sternly.

"Oh thank you! Thank you very much!" She stood up and crushed you in one of her signature hugs.

"Oh and Ciel?" Lizzy looked at him.

" I know I won't be able to fix what we had, but we're cousins. Family. So I hope in some way we can be close." Lizzy said.

" Yes certainly," Ciel replies shortly.

"Air..." you choked out."

"My Mistress!" The demon appeared and freed you from the jail-Like embrace,

He chuckled lightly at your choked expression. You glared.

"I would like to remain by myself for today if you do not mind, I need more rest after all the events that happened."

Ciel and Lizzy nodded understandingly.

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