♚ 《4》Contracted ♚

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[[ Your P.o.v ]]

"So what do they call this new killer?" I questioned Ciel. Despite knowing him prior to the case, I felt the need to ignore our past and keep things professional.

"Killer Kail. It's quite an odd name..." Ciel responded. I looked at Ciel has grown quite handsome in the past few years. As of now, I believe the both of us are 15 years old. I never imagined I would ever see him again. 

I suppose it's the past I carry, that made me think so... I should probably stop thinking of Ciel. I wouldn't want him to-

"(YYY/NNN)!!!!~" I heard a familiar voice ring in my ears. The door slammed open and revealed a girl with curly blond hair tied in pigtails, with green eyes. Her gaze reached mine and she began to squeal in excitement.

"I MISSED YOU!!" She hollered loudly.

"Air..." I choked out. Her grip has gotten stronger in the last few years. A LOT STRONGER! I feel like I'm going to pass out-

"Elizabeth get off my guest!" Ciel said and pulled her off of me.

"But Ciel, I haven't seen her in ages!" She whined with tears threatening to pour down her eyes.

"Hello Lizzy, it's nice to see you again." I greeted with a smile.

"Elizabeth please leave. Lady (Y/n) and I are trying to work on a task the Queen has assigned us."

Elizabeth pouted and exclaimed, "But I just got reunited with my best friend, I want to spend time with her!"

"Lizzy, as of now Ciel and I are dealing with serious business. But I promise we can spend time together afterward." I said, lacing my voice with a  genuine tone.

"Okay... I understand..." She said in a small voice and exited the room.

Once she was gone Ciel looked over to me, "Perhaps you would like to stay here during the case?"

"Thank you, that would be appreciated."

"Sebastian show her to her room."

"Yes, milord." He bowed and opened the door for me to follow.

"Light, please go gather more information on Killer Kail."

The second we stepped out into the hallway, Sebastian smirked at me,

"Is something the matter?" I asked monotonously.

"No... Milady, except there's something I have to ask you,

"You're a demon aren't you?" I asked cutting him off, as we walked to my room.

"Hmm? What if I am?" Sebastian suddenly pinned me the wall and spoke in my ear. I remained straight-faced as he did this. His eyes glowed pink, just how demons should, while he leaned in closer.

"I wouldn't do anything too risky if I were you," I said with ease. My eye glowed and, revealed my contract seal.

Sebastian tensed at first, but let go, and continued down the hall smoothly. He knows I'm contracted already, he might as well be sure.

Once we were in my room He opened it for me and I examined it. The room was beautiful. In the center of the room was king sized bed with purple, soft satin sheets that draped down to the floor. The pillows along with the mattress itself seemed to be soft. In front of the bed But of course what did I expect?

As a noble, who's spending time in another noble's house, this is only expected.

"I shall return when it's dinner time. Please excuse my behavior prior to now."

Sebastian left out the door.

&&& Sebastian's P.o.v &&&


Her soul.... Absolutely divine....But I know my place. I can't risk attempting to get soul like that. Her butler Light would tear me apart. He's an albino demon. A higher rank demon. Albino demons are born of absolute white..... They're born of pure hatred and demise of human nature that is sought out to be looking good. 

For instance, a person who is seen as good by others but secretly they have dark thoughts the cloud their brain. That's what in albino demon is. They can mask themselves easily and blend in, but always have darker intentions. This is not the only thing that makes them stronger, but their speed and powers are more heightened.

Although I myself am a demon, I was created differently. But enough of that, I must inform my Master of the news.

I knocked on the door and heard him say, "Come in."

I opened the door and bowed, "Milord I have some news to be informing you of."

"What is it?"

"It's about Lady (Y/n). She's has a contract with a demon."


"-That's impossible! How could I have not noticed that?!"

"He's a higher rank demon, Milord."

"Tch... that explains a lot."

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