♚ 《29》 ♚ Revenge

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[Your P.o.v]

"S-Sister..." Yosuke ran up to me and hugged me, although I was chained up on a pillar.

"Yosuke?! Are you okay?! Where have you been?!" I asked.

He was taller than I've last seen him. He should be 12 still if I am correct, it still hasn't passed his birthday.

"Yeah I'm okay Grey has been taking care of me...but you! You're all bloodied up and cut everywhere you're not okay! Grey who did this to her?!" He exclaimed hugging tight.

Grey was nowhere to be found.

"Don't trust Grey," I told  Yosuke.

"W-why?" He looked at me confused.

"He's the one who caused this. Look at me Yosuke..." He looked at my cut up arms and bloodied torn dress. He then examined the scars and bruises spread all over my body.

"You have to trust me okay?

"O-okay..." He looked at me worried.

"Promise me." I held up my pinky. Instantly he looked his with mine, "I promise." He smiled.

After his words, the church door abruptly blasts open revealing Light, Sebastian, Ciel, and Alois.

"Master!" Light came over instantly and my seal appeared in my left eye. His eyes moved over to Yosuke, "So it seems a part of the contract is complete..." He muttered.

"H-hello..." Yosuke said shyly, gripping my hand.

"Yosuke..I'll explain everything to you later, as for you..." I turned to Light.

"Unchain me already would you?!"

"Yes of course." He unchained me from the altar and tried getting down, feeling instant pain. I almost fell if it weren't for Claude who had caught me.

"Light, today our contract will finally be finished I said, my seal, appearing a glowing pinkish-reddish in my left eye.

"So it seems..." He smirked.

"No (Y/n)! I won't let you!" Ciel called out.

"Neither will I!" Alois said.

"Stay the hell away from my revenge." I seethed, glaring at the two of them. This is what it supposed to be like, to begin with. My revenge that's it. I can finally achieve my goal. Finally...

From the side doors of the church, Angela and Ash came in, with Grey following behind them.

"Light this is your last order, kill them!" I pointed to the angels who were only smirking at us.

"FInally! We've found the right place!" Grell came through the doors with his Ronald Knox behind him.

"Senpai... I told you it was in this direction..." The other reaper sweatdropped.

The red-haired psycho only ignored him and looked at Sebastian, "Bassy!" He tried to hug him, but Sebastian backflipped away. Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked at Ciel,

"Master, your orders?"

"Kill them, Do not allow Light to kill the angels, therefore (Y/n)'s revenge will never be completed. That's an order!"

"Ciel!" You glared icily at him.

"You too Claude for once, I'd like you to help Sebastian! If you fail...I'll be really angry." Alois said.

"Alois!" You furrowed your brows in frustration.

The two demons joined the albino-demon in battle with the angels. Not to mention the reapers were here too.

"Why the hell are you guys doing this?!" I screeched at them. I finally gained the strength to stand and Yosuke assisted in me standing.

"We don't want you to die." They said.

"The future of my life is not of your concern!" I hollered.

"S-sis...you're going to die? I don't want you to die either...!" Yosuke, cried, his tears falling, 

"Sweetie please..it's going to be okay..."

"No, I won't let you!" He screamed.

"Yosuke...calm down..."

"No!!!" He violently screamed. "Yosuke..."

"Bassy!" I turned my vision to the battle, after hearing Grell's scream.

Sebastian stood in the way of Light stabbing Angela. "Forgive Light, but I cannot allow you to be the one to kill them. Grell go!"

"Yes Bassy!!!" Grell instantly brought his chainsaw down on Angela's head severing it off completely.

Light stared at the two of them in bewilderment, "H-how...? How could a low-class demon like you beat me?!"

"Heh, it's not over.~" Sebastian smirked.

Claude pinned Ash to the wall. His suit was all bloodied and he had lost his right arm and left leg, "Let go! This world needs to be cleansed!!!" He tried to escape Claude's deadly grip.

"I hate to admit it, but your scythe would be very useful reaper." Claude looked at Ronald.

"Yes, sir!" Ronald cheered happily, bring his lawn mower down on Ash's head.

"N-nooo!!!" I dropped to my knees gripping my hair tightly, "Light!!! You...!" I broke down into tears screaming.

"Sis..." Yosuke hugged me.

"It was for the best (Y/n)...I won't let you die." Ciel said.

"Quit talking to her as if she's going to come running to you after all this," Alois said.

"Shut up, I don't wish to speak with you," Ciel said.

"Ugh! Stupid Phantomhive brat." Ciel was about to send him another remark when you started laughing. The two of them looked you surprised.

You cried as tears ran down your face,

"I should've known I can't win against the two of you."

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