♚ 《15》 ♚ Day 1 PT. Two

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"(Y/n)! I miss the old days when we used to play every day! But I guess we're too old to play now right? We are fifteen after all, and next year we'll be married. "Grey said.

"Indeed." I said, remembering of our marriage.

"We're going to have to start planning it soon too... Your favorite color is (F/c) right? That could be the theme color!" He exclaimed smiling wide.

I looked at Grey's naive, bright smile. Feeling a twinge of pain in my heart when I saw how genuinely happy he was with me. Why would fate put me with someone with him? Someone who deserves to be happy. I know I'm not the one who can grant him the life he wants. He probably wants children... and to be able to grow old with someone. But that can't be me.

The only thing set on my mind is revenge.

"(Y/n)! Are you listening?!" He snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh yes, I was just thinking what kind of flowers we should have."

"Oh! How about an arrangement of (Insert combo of different flowers you like together )!"

"I was just thinking that." I 'smiled' at him. Although I had enjoyed Grey's company, I can't seem to tell my real smiles from my fake ones anymore.

Grey sighed with content, "It's like we're a married couple already."

I nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait to be with you forever (Y/n)." He said, leaning in and kissing my forehead.

I felt a little light in my heart. I truly cherished being with Grey. But forever is not an option for me. Once my revenge is completed then there is no future for me.

"Grey! (Y/n)!" Lizzy ran up to us with an ecstatic grin.

A small frown came upon Grey's face as our alone time together had reached its end.

"Hello, Elizabeth." I greeted.


"Yes, forgive me, it was an honest mistake."

"(Y/n)! Ciel wanted to play chess with you again!" Lizzy said.

"Oh well..." I looked at Grey and he looked a little unwary, but nodded anyway, "It's okay love, you can go."

I nodded and retreated into the house. I went up the stairs and knocked on the office door of Ciel.

"Hello (Y/n)."

⋐⋑⋐⋑ ⋐⋑⋐⋑ ⋐⋑⋐⋑


Grey looked at Lizzy curiously, wondering why she looked a little sad. "I just don't get it, Grey. It's been years, and Ciel still won't even open up to me."

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You can do it. After all, I managed to get (Y/n) to open up to me." Grey ruffled her hair.

Lizzy and Grey were seated on a bench underneath one of the trees in the Phantomhive garden.

"T-thank you, Grey...I love it when you say these encouraging things to me..it always keeps my mood up." Lizzy said scooting closer, without Grey's notice.

"Of course Lizzy we are friends after all!" Grey said enthusiastically.

"I wish...I wish Ciel were more like you." Lizzy said.

"W-what? What do you mean Lizzy-" Lizzy pressed her lips onto Grey and placed her hand on his cheek. Grey stayed still and struck with confusion.

Up from Ciel's office, the two watched, as their finances cheated on them.

Grey pulled back and looked at Lizzy alarmed. "Why did you do that?! You can't! We can't!"

"W-why not Grey! I like you we-"

"Enough." Ciel appeared, with you beside him. Demons carried you here if that how you're wondering why you could do that.

"Grey...I had expected so much in you... especially after what we discussed." You felt hurt, by what he had done. Perhaps this was Karma?

After all, you had done it first. How ironic.

"Elizabeth, I'm canceling our engagement," Ciel stated bluntly.

"N-no Ciel...p-please it was an accident."

"Tch, how pitiful." You remarked, glaring daggers at her begging form.

"(Y/n)...I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Grey. We're done. All of it. All those talks of our wedding and future, it's meaningless now." You said with no emotion whatsoever.

You turned about to walk off, but Grey grabbed your arm, "N-no wait." You could hear a strange sense of fear in his voice, as it trembled.

You had never heard him like this before.

"You've done enough." Ciel took his arm off you and took you into the house. Elizabeth was bawling her eyes on the bench, and Grey turned around glared daggers at her.

I'll kill you.

Grey thought at the back of his mind.

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