♚ 《22》 ♚Competition

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♚Your P.o.v♚

A warm breeze swept by as Alois and I strolled through his garden. Faint sounds of birds chirping were heard and the sun seemed to shine high. Days like this were always the best. Alois was talking to me, but I was too caught up in my own thoughts to listen.

"Excuse me, Your Highness it's tea time." a monotone voice said. I turned my head and saw Claude speaking to Alois. Alois rolled his eyes for a second but replied,

"Oh yes, of course," Alois said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the table set in the garden.

We both sat down and Claude and Light both took out pastries of their own. They both glared at each other.

"So it seems we both have prepared food..."Claude said, not breaking eye contact with Light. The two were caught in a glaring competition.

"Yes so it seems, why don't we serve mine first and serve yours later." Light said smiling menacingly.

"I believe we should serve mine first and yours later." Claude returned, keeping his ground.Neither I or Alois stopped the two from their quarrel. Alois continued to chat away happily while I listened, occasionally sipping the tea.

"I believe the only way to resolve this dilemma is to try both and decide which is better!" someone shouted. I looked and saw Viscount Druitt. I remember seeing him at the ball Alois threw. He flipped his bleach blonde hair and stared up at the sky as if he knew people were watching and he wanted the attention. People like him are so tiring to be around...

"Oh cousin! I wasn't told you'd be visiting!" Alois exclaimed with a smile. Though he was smiling I could tell he was quite annoyed.

"I thought I could surprise you!" Aleistor said smiling.

"Oh and if it isn't Miss (Y/n) (L/n)," Aleistor said noticing my presence. He smiled 'charmingly' and kissed my hand.

"It's delightful to be in your presence again." He continued.

"As to you," I said plainly.  Normally  I would greet back with false happiness, due to my reputation, but I don't feel like it today.

Alois openly glared at him, but Aleistor did not notice.

"But like I said we will decide which dessert is the best!" Aleistor said sitting in between Alois and me.

"Fine, let us get this over with," Alois said entering a sour mood.

We all tried both Claude and Light's desserts. They were both really good, but I favored Light's cause he cooked his desserts to my taste, whereas Claude probably made his to Alois's taste.

"OH! They're both so delicious!" Aleistor exclaimed dramatically.

"I agree they are both quite the delectable. I said, even though I prefer Lights.

Alois nodded along with us. Light and Claude continued to glare at each other.

Claude and Light stared each other mockingly. Then at the same time, they came at each other with butter knives. Claude's being gold and Lights being white silver, like Greys Last name. 'Grey White-Silver'

" Oh, a duel! I love duels!" Aleistor said, clapping his eyes happily, as his eyes sparkled with interest.

Alois and I chatted not paying attention to the butler. Claude ran at light tried slicing Light, but Light effortlessly dodged. Light was a higher ranked demon, but Claude was pretty good. Light jumped up into the air avoiding Claude's last slice, but it ended up ripping his tailcoat.

"How troublesome, now I have to repair it later." Still in the air took off his tailcoat entirely and threw to the side, where Hannah caught it.

"I'll repair it for you," Hannah said walking away with the tailcoat.

"Thank you." Light smiled charmingly at Hannah.

"Pay attention to me," Claude said, also up the air trying to jab Light in the chest.

"My deepest apologies, I didn't notice your pitiful attacks." Light snarled, with a mocking smile. He jumped to the side and backflipped away from Claude's attack.

"Are you going to just keep dodging or attack?" Claude said trying to slice him again.

"If that is what you want, then that is what I shall give." Claude and Light landed on the ground gracefully and Light flipped up into the air behind Claude. Light sliced a large tear at the back of Claude's tailcoat.


"An eye for an eye." Light whispered in his ear, with a smirk on his face.

Before this fight could continue any further, Alois interrupted.

"Okay (Y/n) and I are going back inside, Claude clean this all up!" Alois said.

"Help him Light," I added, remaining bored and unamused.

"Aww, I was excited to see who would win." Viscount Druitt said following us inside.Light and Claude glared at each other and started to clean up.  

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